The Mayor of the City of Zagreb, Tomislav Tomašević, signed the III. amendment to the Collective Agreement for employees in cultural institutions, which will come into force on November 1, 2024. Along with him, the agreement was signed on behalf of the employees by Domagoj Rebić, Secretary General of the Croatian Union of Cultural Workers, and Danijela Petaros Globan, President of the Independent Union of Croatian Librarians.
Increase in coefficients and financial effects
With this amendment to the agreement, the coefficients of job positions in the cultural institutions of the City of Zagreb will be revised, with a special emphasis on those with the lowest salaries. It is expected that the budget of the City of Zagreb will allocate an average increase of 11% for salaries. This is the first increase in coefficients in almost ten years, which represents a significant step in improving the financial position of employees in the cultural sector.
Importance of social dialogue
Mayor Tomašević emphasized the importance of this amendment to the Collective Agreement as part of the city's efforts to improve working conditions and modernize the job system in culture. Open dialogue and partnership with the unions are key to ensuring a quality work system, and the amendment to the agreement allows the City of Zagreb to remain a desirable employer and to ensure transparent and efficient management of cultural institutions, which is vital for the city's cultural strategy.
These changes represent a foundation for further improvement of the cultural policies of the City of Zagreb. The focus is on strengthening Zagreb's position as an attractive employer and ensuring more efficient management of public institutions, with a special emphasis on the cultural sector.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 29 August, 2024
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