Delivery of the contract on co-financing public transport of Zagreb and Šibenik-Knin County

In the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure in Zagreb, a ceremony was held for the delivery of the contract on co-financing public transport of passengers for the Zagreb and Šibenik-Knin counties.

Delivery of the contract on co-financing public transport of Zagreb and Šibenik-Knin County
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On July 11, 2024, at the premises of the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure in Zagreb, contracts for the co-financing of public passenger transport services in the counties of Zagreb and Šibenik-Knin were handed over.

Oleg Butković, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure, handed over the contracts to Stjepan Kožić, Prefect of Zagreb County, and Marko Jelić, Prefect of Šibenik-Knin County. These contracts provide funds to cover the costs of organizing county passenger transport, with up to 75% of the costs being financed according to the decision of the Government of the Republic of Croatia. The goal is to establish better and more accessible county bus transport.

Solution to the problem of bus lines
Minister Butković pointed out that we are facing the cancellation of bus lines in county transport due to the lack of commercial interest from carriers. The state has decided to introduce a public service to ensure transport in areas where there is no commercial profitability.

The Minister also invited other counties to take advantage of this opportunity, emphasizing the importance of planning the network of lines and preparing public tenders for the selection of carriers. Public service and co-financing contracts are concluded after the tender has been conducted.

The contracts for the Zagreb and Šibenik-Knin counties are valid for seven years. “For Zagreb County, 49.5 million euros have been secured for the next seven years, of which the Ministry finances 37.1 million euros. As for Šibenik-Knin County, a total of 31.7 million euros has been secured, of which the Ministry co-finances almost 24 million euros,” said Butković.

Demographic and economic benefits
Butković emphasized that this measure has a significant demographic impact, allowing residents of rural areas access to public transport. Transport is crucial for retaining the population in these areas.

Prefect Stjepan Kožić stated that Zagreb County is signing such a contract for the second time. “We were the first to use public transport services. We hope that by doing so, we have retained people in these areas and reduced migration,” said Kožić, thanking the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure for securing funds for the functioning of transport in rural areas.

Prefect Marko Jelić from Šibenik-Knin County emphasized the demographic importance of this contract, as it allows people in rural areas to access the centers of the county at affordable prices. He also highlighted the economic benefits for carriers who will be able to maintain lines without losses, as well as the ecological advantages of public transport.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 12 Juli, 2024
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