During the past weekend, the area of the Lika-Senj Police Department recorded an increased number of traffic accidents, a total of 17. In one of these accidents, one person sustained serious injuries, while eight people suffered minor injuries. Police reports reveal several important details about these events.
Serious traffic accident in Gospić
One of the most significant events of the weekend was a traffic accident that occurred on Sunday, August 18, 2024, just after midnight, at 00:05 hours. The accident happened on State Road No. 25 in Gospić, and involved an 18-year-old driver of a car with local registration from Gospić. While merging into traffic, the driver failed to yield to all vehicles on the road he was entering. As a result, a motorcycle with German registration plates, driven by a 31-year-old from Gospić, collided with the car. The motorcycle driver, who was under the influence of alcohol (1.20 g/kg), lost control of the vehicle, which led to the motorcycle hitting a pole. The motorcyclist and his passenger fell from the motorcycle. The motorcyclist sustained serious injuries, while the motorcycle passenger and a passenger in the car suffered minor injuries.
Accidents in Novalja and Otočac
In addition to this accident, three traffic accidents were recorded in the Novalja area, where four people sustained minor injuries. In Otočac, one traffic accident was recorded in which two people also sustained minor injuries. These events further emphasize the need for greater caution in traffic, especially during weekends, when traffic intensity is often increased due to travel and leisure activities.
Material damage and accident locations
Besides accidents with injuries, 12 traffic accidents resulting only in material damage were recorded. These accidents occurred at various locations, including Novalja (4), Otočac (4), Senj (1), Korenica (1), Gospić (1), and Karlobag (1). Given the number of accidents with material damage, it is clear that drivers need to improve their awareness of safety and adherence to traffic rules.
Police appeal and preventive actions
The police have once again appealed to all road users to behave responsibly and adhere to traffic regulations. Increased road safety can only be achieved through consistent rule adherence. During the past weekend, the police conducted preventive-repressive actions aimed at maintaining a favorable safety situation in road traffic. The actions focused on sanctioning violations such as speeding, driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs, and not using seat belts.
Traffic violations statistics during the weekend
During this period, the police recorded a total of 30 speeding violations, 8 violations of driving under the influence of alcohol, and 17 violations for not using seat belts. Notably, the highest alcohol concentration was recorded in a 36-year-old moped driver from Bosnia and Herzegovina. The driver was stopped on Saturday, August 17, 2024, in Novalja, and had a measured alcohol concentration of 2.46 g/kg, the highest value recorded over the weekend. This case highlights the importance of continuous monitoring and preventive actions in traffic to reduce the number of traffic accidents and increase the safety of all road users.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 20 August, 2024
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