Hanžeković Memorial 2024: top athletic competitions in Zagreb with new records and Olympic winner

The oldest athletic event in Croatia, the Hanžeković Memorial, brought together 19 Olympic medalists and brought exciting results in Zagreb, including seven new records. Athletes from all over the world delighted the audience.

Hanžeković Memorial 2024: top athletic competitions in Zagreb with new records and Olympic winner
Photo by: zagreb.hr/ zagreb.hr

This year, the 74th edition of the Hanžeković Memorial has become a real sports sensation, attracting attention not only from the local audience but also from the global public. Thanks to the participation of 19 Olympic medalists, this year's edition set high standards for future competitions. The first day of the competition was marked by the Zagreb City Challenge, a long jump event held at Ban Jelačić Square, where competitors battled for the title of the best. The winner in the men's category was Shawn-D Thompson from Jamaica with an impressive jump of 7.99 meters, while in the women's category, American Jasmine Moore won with a jump of 6.71 meters, enough for first place. The competition further enlivened the center of Zagreb, providing a unique opportunity for citizens to closely follow top-level athletics in an urban setting.

Ivan Ivančić Memorial – spectacular results

The 10th Ivan Ivančić Memorial, held the following day, brought together the best shot putters in the world. American athlete Ryan Crouser dominated the competition with a new meeting record of 22.93 meters, confirming his dominance in this discipline. Crouser, a three-time Olympic champion, competed despite fatigue from several previous events, but managed to maintain a high level of form and results. Payton Otterdahl took second place, while Rajindra Campbell was third. This spectacle in the heart of Zagreb once again proved how the city can be the perfect backdrop for top sports results, and the competition attracted a large number of spectators, giving an additional boost to the entire event.

Final day and historic moments

The last day of the 74th Hanžeković Memorial brought exciting moments and several new records. Marco Arop from Canada attempted to break the world record in the 1000 meters, but despite a fantastic race, the record remained unbroken. However, Arop thrilled the audience with his performance and announced great successes for the future. The hammer throw competition was particularly thrilling, as current Olympic champion Ethan Katzberg from Canada attempted to surpass the meeting record held by Primož Kozmus. Although he did not succeed, Katzberg showed outstanding form and ended the season with high ambitions for the future. Special attention was also drawn to the performance of Croatian athlete Sandra Elkasević, who competed in the discus throw. Although she did not manage to defeat Valarie Allman, the Olympic champion from Paris, Sandra demonstrated exceptional fighting spirit and dedication, confirming her status as one of the most important figures in Croatian athletics.

Aside from the sports achievements, the Hanžeković Memorial is known for its rich history and importance to the international athletics scene. This event, held since 1951, has a special place in the calendar of world sports competitions, and its inclusion in the World Athletics Continental Tour Gold series further adds to its significance. The organizers achieved a new success this year by bringing some of the biggest names in world athletics, and the mayor of Zagreb, Tomislav Tomašević, did not hide his satisfaction with the successful organization and achieved results. All these elements make the Hanžeković Memorial one of the most important sports events in the region, and its impact continues to grow year by year.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 09 September, 2024
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