QUT researchers study airport security browsers through eye-tracking technology and visual analysis of X-ray images

Researchers at the University of Queensland Technology use eye-tracking technology to analyze how airport security browsers work. The research focuses on problem-solving strategies and how they change with the browser experience.

QUT researchers study airport security browsers through eye-tracking technology and visual analysis of X-ray images
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

Researchers from Queensland University of Technology (QUT) conducted a unique study using eye-tracking technology to study the work of security screeners at airports during different stages of visual inspection. This study, led by Dr. Levi Swann, Senior Lecturer in Industrial Design, Emeritus Professor Vesna Popović from the School of Electrical Engineering and Robotics, and former QUT researcher Dr. Dedy Wiredja, explored how screeners use problem-solving techniques during X-ray image inspections and how their strategies change with experience.

Four groups of screeners with varying levels of experience participated in the study: novices, inexperienced, experienced, and experts. Dr. Swann highlighted that this research is unique among similar studies as it was conducted in real working conditions, unlike the usual practice of conducting research in controlled laboratory environments. A total of 39 professional security screeners were observed at work while performing X-ray inspections at an Australian international airport.

Data Analysis
Data were collected through video recordings and eye-tracking, then analyzed to explore the phases of activity and problem-solving strategies. The results showed that the overall complexity of the task can be captured by conducting field research, allowing problem-solving to be recognized as a key component of the security screener's job. Screeners use interface functions that, for example, change the visual appearance of images and communicate with other staff to make decisions about whether an object is a threat.

Dr. Swann emphasized that research conducted in controlled conditions often does not include the context of the environment, focusing only on visually scanning images and making decisions. This study found that the level of problem-solving during security screening varies depending on the screener's experience. Less experienced screeners apply more problem-solving to make decisions, while more experienced screeners are often able to make decisions without the need for additional problem-solving.

Skill Development
It was also discovered that the problem-solving strategies used by screeners change with experience. Less experienced screeners rely on strategies that delay decision-making to another staff member or use a search-based strategy, which is a slow and less efficient approach to problem-solving that causes additional cognitive load. Professor Popović stated that the results suggest that beginners need approximately six months of work experience to achieve a problem-solving level similar to that of experienced screeners. This is a significant period for a critical security task.

Effective Training
Dr. Swann emphasizes that effective training for this task is crucial due to its critical nature for security. Rapid skill development through effective training is also essential because this profession is characterized by high staff turnover. Professor Popović added that the research results are applicable to other visual inspection tasks in various industries such as medicine, manufacturing, security, maintenance, and transportation. Problem-solving should be explored in these areas to understand how visual inspection procedures can be improved.

Practical Application
Given the significant variance in screener performance according to the level of experience and type, there is a need to define specific inspection criteria instead of relying on general experiential measures. Dr. Swann states that this research provides a basis for future research that could explore how other factors, such as emotions and stress, further affect screener performance. The importance of adapting staff management techniques to experience levels, along with specific selection and training programs, cannot be overstated.

Knowledge Transfer
Professor Popović emphasizes that with the implementation of experience adaptation, airport security screenings could become more consistent and efficient, leading to greater security and passenger satisfaction. The research is also applicable to other domains of visual inspection training that require expertise, such as harbor control, traffic control, surgical training, or X-ray image inspections.

Comprehensive analysis and results of this research offer significant insights into how experience and training affect the performance of security screeners. Further research could help develop more effective training programs that would accelerate the acquisition of necessary skills, reduce cognitive load, and improve overall inspection efficiency. Special attention should be paid to understanding how emotional and stress factors affect the ability of screeners to perform their tasks accurately and efficiently.

This study not only contributes to the improvement of security standards at airports but also has potential implications for a wide range of industries that rely on visual inspection as a key part of their operations. Increasing efficiency and accuracy in these processes can have far-reaching positive effects on safety, quality, and user satisfaction across various sectors.

Source: Queensland University of Technology

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 24 Juli, 2024
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