Race Rab Paradiso Trail 2024: More than 500 Runners Explore the Natural Beauty of Rab and Lopar, Enjoying Different Trails in the Poseason

In the beautiful ambience of the island of Rab, the 18th edition of the Rab Paradiso Trail was held, which gathered more than 500 runners from various countries. Participants had the opportunity to choose between three different trails, enjoying unique landscapes and local traditions. This race is becoming an increasingly important segment of the tourist offer for active travelers.

Race Rab Paradiso Trail 2024: More than 500 Runners Explore the Natural Beauty of Rab and Lopar, Enjoying Different Trails in the Poseason
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

The island of Rab once again stands out as a destination that attracts numerous visitors during the off-season. Over 500 runners from different parts of the world participated in the 18th edition of the Rab Paradiso Trail, which took place in the beautiful setting of Lopar and the island's wonders. This race, which has become one of the most attractive competitions in the Adriatic, is also the tenth round of the 2024 Trekking League.

Participants had the opportunity to choose between three trails, each with different levels of challenge. The longest trail, Challenger, stretches for 23 kilometers, while the Active trail is 13 kilometers long, and the Light trail is 6 kilometers. The natural beauty of the island of Rab provided the ideal backdrop for this race. Participants enjoyed running through dense pine forests, and the paths were given a special charm by Paradise Beach, known for its golden sand and shallow waters that presented a challenge on the way to the finish line.

The race was not only a test of endurance but also an opportunity for participants to explore the unique landscapes of the island of Rab, where nature and adventure come together. Many runners took this chance to socialize with other enthusiasts, forming friendly bonds and exchanging experiences about running and the natural beauties. The atmosphere of the competition was filled with positive energy, and each finish line was accompanied by euphoria and a sense of achievement.

Marin Mušćo, the director of the Lopar Tourist Board, emphasized the importance of such events in the off-season: “This race and similar events are becoming an increasingly significant part of the tourist offer, especially for those destinations looking to attract active travelers and nature lovers. By integrating natural beauty with various recreational activities, destinations assert themselves as attractive locations for adventure tourism. A quality tourist offer plays a key role in extending the tourist season and developing year-round tourism.”

After the race, the day continued in a relaxed tone with a concert of female klapas, held on the promenade in front of the San Marino Sunny Resort. This musical event further enriched the atmosphere, allowing participants to experience the local spirit and tradition. With the sea and the sounds of klapa music, the gathered enjoyed an unforgettable ambiance.

In the evening hours, the island of Rab showcased its hospitality, with numerous restaurants offering local specialties, allowing visitors to enjoy home-cooked meals and drinks. Many chose to have dinner by the sea, where they could experience magical sunsets that further enriched the atmosphere.

This edition of the Rab Paradiso Trail will be remembered as an extraordinary experience that, despite a rainy start, did not diminish the shine of the island of Rab and the enthusiasm of the participants. Ultimately, all participants and guests left with a plethora of wonderful memories, planning to return to this beautiful island and participate in future events.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 02 Oktober, 2024
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