At the ceremonial event held in Rijeka, in honor of World Tourism Day, the Tourist Board of the City of Rijeka awarded prizes to the best tourism professionals in an initiative called “Rijeka Cherry”. This prestigious award not only recognizes outstanding individuals in tourism but also their contribution to the development and promotion of Rijeka as an attractive tourist destination. This award ceremony has become a traditional celebration aimed at highlighting the significance of tourism in the economic and social structure of the city.
The celebration began with festive musical performances, featuring well-known local musicians who created a joyful atmosphere with their performances. The Director of the Tourist Board, Petar Škarpa, emphasized that the awards were given in various categories, including “Waiter”, “Chef”, “Receptionist”, “Sales and Marketing Staff in Tourism”, and many others. This diversity of awards reflects the complexity of the tourism sector and the need for various skills and knowledge.
This year, awards were presented in 12 different categories, recognizing the work and effort of individuals, as well as teams that contribute to the quality of the tourism offer. The awards were received by deserving professionals from hotels, restaurants, travel agencies, and other related sectors. Such events not only motivate employees but also raise the standards of service quality throughout the city.
The city of Rijeka is increasingly positioning itself on the global tourism map, and one of the key factors for this is the development of sustainable tourism. Petar Škarpa pointed out that in the future, work will continue on strengthening the competencies of human potential in tourism so that Rijeka can compete at the international level. As part of the Tourism Development Plan until 2028, the emphasis will be placed on innovations and improving the tourism offer through year-round activities, which will attract both domestic and foreign tourists.
Contribution of Awarded Professionals
In addition to regular awards, special recognitions were given for exceptional contributions to tourism development. Among the awardees were several institutions and organizations that have significantly influenced the promotion of Rijeka over the years. For example, Jadran Hotels were awarded for their long-term contribution to the development of accommodation quality, while the Festival of Melodies of Istria and Kvarner was recognized for its contribution to the cultural offer.
These events not only promote the successes of individuals but also serve as a platform for strengthening cooperation among various stakeholders in the tourism sector. Mayor Marko Filipović emphasized the importance of joint work and cooperation among all participants in the tourism sector. Their dedication allows Rijeka to become a more recognizable destination for tourists from all over the world.
Role of the Local Community
In the context of sustainable tourism, the key role belongs to the local community. Their involvement in the development and promotion of the tourism offer is of utmost importance. Local producers, artisans, and cultural institutions contribute to a unique offer that attracts tourists to stay longer and enjoy authentic experiences. Rijeka stands out with its cultural events, historical landmarks, and natural beauties that offer diverse experiences.
Such events, like the awards ceremony of “Rijeka Cherry”, foster and strengthen the sense of community among citizens, while also helping to create a positive image of the city. Recognition of the work and effort of individuals contributes not only to personal satisfaction but also to spreading a positive image of Rijeka as a dynamic and hospitable destination.
All in all, this ceremony is not just an opportunity to celebrate success but also a motivation for further work and progress in tourism. Rijeka, with its rich history and cultural heritage, has the potential to become an even more significant tourist destination, and awards like “Rijeka Cherry” play a crucial role in achieving that goal.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 02 Oktober, 2024
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