Another edition of the award-winning project SUNFLOWER rural tourism – The Sunflower Award, which has brought together the best examples of sustainable rural development for twelve consecutive years, is underway. This competition provides an opportunity to recognize and reward outstanding individuals, organizations, and initiatives contributing to the economic and tourist development of Croatia, with an emphasis on sustainability, preservation of tradition, as well as the development of environmentally sustainable products and services. The organizer, the Croatian Association for Tourism and Rural Development "Club Members Village," has invited all interested participants to submit their projects by October 15, 2024.
In addition to recognizable categories, this year's competition introduces an innovation in the form of the Award for Smart Rural Communities. This new category is dedicated to promoting digitalization and smart solutions that can improve life in rural areas. The aim of the award is to encourage the application of innovative technologies that support long-term sustainable development, whether through the digitalization of tourism services or through smart solutions for local agricultural and economic processes.
One of the key aspects of this award is its focus on the international promotion of Croatian rural tourism. According to Dijana Katic, the founder and director of the project, the Sunflower rural tourism project has become a symbol of excellence in developing sustainable tourism and the economy in rural communities. Within the project, special attention is paid to innovative solutions and knowledge exchange, and the results are visible in the increasing number of successful projects submitted year after year.
Rural tourism has recently been recognized as a response to the excessive development of mass tourism. Many tourists now seek authentic, quieter destinations that offer local products, ecological production, and unique experiences. Precisely for this reason, through this competition, organizers encourage communities to turn to sustainable practices, thereby not only enriching the local offer but also contributing to the preservation of the environment and cultural heritage.
This year, the Sunflower rural tourism project is expanding its visibility through digital media, using video formats, podcasts, and social networks like Facebook and YouTube, allowing participants greater promotion at both regional and international levels. Furthermore, organizers emphasize the importance of education and the development of innovations in tourism, positioning rural tourism in Croatia as a leader in the region.
The competition winners will be announced at the beginning of December 2024, and all interested parties have the opportunity to submit their projects via the official website by October 15, 2024.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 08 Oktober, 2024
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