Valamar won the ‘Woman's Choice Award’ as a favorite hotel chain among women in Croatia, confirming the quality and commitment to guests

Valamar received the prestigious‘ Woman's Choice Award 'as a favorite hotel chain in Croatia among the female audience. Miss7, the leading portal for women, has been conducting research for seven years in which readers voted for Valamar.

Valamar won the ‘Woman
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

Valamar has received the prestigious 'Woman's Choice Award', becoming the favorite tourist company in Croatia among the female audience. Miss7, one of the leading portals for women, has been conducting research called 'Woman's Choice Award' for seven years. This year, Valamar received the award as the favorite brand in the hotel chain category.

More than 7,000 readers of the miss7 portal, which is part of Styria, the strongest multimedia brand in Croatia, voted for their favorite products and brands in various categories, from food and beverages, cosmetics and clothing, to banking services and hotel chains. According to their votes, Valamar took the winning position in the hotel chain category. Miss7 readers have emphasized the importance of price, quality, and value for money as key segments of brand satisfaction over the years.

"This recognition is especially important because it comes directly from our guests who have recognized our efforts and dedication to quality and unique experience. We continuously work on improving the quality of our hotels, resorts, and camping resorts, as well as enhancing our services. The fact that we have been declared the favorite hotel chain among women gives us additional motivation. I would especially like to thank our employees, without whom such recognitions would not be possible," said Ivica Vrkić, Director of the Marketing Sector at Valamar.

Valamar, as the leading tourist company in Croatia, manages 36 hotels and resorts and 15 camping resorts, with a daily capacity of 58,000 guests in top tourist destinations. These destinations include Poreč, Rabac, the islands of Krk, Rab, and Hvar, Makarska, Dubrovnik, and Obertauern in Austria. Valamar offers a wide range of accommodation options, from simple and affordable vacations to premium and sophisticated experiences, tailored for families, couples, and those seeking a relaxing vacation in nature.

Special attention is given to excellent food and beverage offerings, with 78% of ingredients sourced from local producers, sports and entertainment facilities, family amenities with playrooms for younger and older children, promenades, and other recreational facilities available in Valamar hotels, resorts, and camping resorts.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 09 Juli, 2024
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