Varaždinske Toplice as a cultural destination and wellness oasis in the heart of Croatia

Varaždinske Toplice represent a unique combination of historical and thermal heritage. This destination offers extraordinary opportunities for health and relaxation amidst beautiful natural landscapes and a rich cultural history, ideal for anyone seeking wellness experiences

Varaždinske Toplice as a cultural destination and wellness oasis in the heart of Croatia
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

The city of Varaždinske Toplice recently participated in an important general assembly of the European Association of Historical Thermal Towns (EHTTA) and a forum dedicated to the theme of "Water," held in the Belgian city of Spa. This event was not only an opportunity for exchanging experiences but also marked the 15th anniversary of EHTTA's existence, an association that brings together towns with a rich tradition of thermal culture.

In collaboration with the Tourist Board of the city of Varaždinske Toplice, this participation further solidified their position within the European tourism network. Varaždinske Toplice is recognized as a significant destination for wellness tourism, thanks to its medicinal springs that date back to Roman times. The archaeological site of Aquae Iasae, which attests to the rich history of these spas, represents a key element of the tourist offer and cultural heritage of the region.

Sustainable development and protection of natural resources

The focus of the "Water" forum was on the preservation of natural resources, especially thermal springs, which are vital for the further sustainable development of thermal towns. Participants discussed strategies for protecting these precious resources, which is crucial for maintaining service quality and attracting visitors. The role of thermal waters not only contributes to health but also economically empowers local communities, creating additional opportunities for the development of health and cultural tourism.

Cultural routes and international cooperation

EHTTA is not only an association that brings together towns but also a platform for promoting cultural exchange and cooperation among its members. The Cultural Routes program of the Council of Europe, of which EHTTA is a member, builds bridges between different cultural heritages, fostering dialogue and understanding among European nations. Varaždinske Toplice has thus become part of this prestigious network, further increasing its visibility at the international level.

Membership in EHTTA allows Varaždinske Toplice access to numerous resources and support, which is essential for the development of sustainable tourism. Additionally, membership in Cultural Routes enables towns to promote their cultural and historical attractions, attracting tourists seeking authentic experiences and connections with local traditions.

A glimpse into the future

Considering its rich history and potential, Varaždinske Toplice continues to work on developing infrastructure and services that will meet the increasingly demanding needs of visitors. Strategic plans include modernizing spas, improving accommodation capacities, and diversifying the tourism offer to ensure that the town remains competitive in the European tourism market. The mayor of Varaždinske Toplice emphasizes the importance of collaboration among all sectors, from local government to private entrepreneurs, to create a unique tourist destination that will satisfy all guests.

By empowering the community and preserving cultural and natural resources, Varaždinske Toplice is becoming a model of sustainable development that will inspire other towns across Europe. Their commitment to preserving tradition and promoting a healthy lifestyle through thermal springs represents a step towards a better future, both for the local population and for visitors.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 30 September, 2024
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