Problems with trust and incapacity in Karlobag: comparison with the open policy of Zadar County in the selection of a new tourist leadership

Karlobag faces serious problems of distrust and incompetence within the local government, while Zadar County shows an example of transparency and professionalism in choosing a new tourist board leadership. The situation in Karlobag negatively affects the development of tourism.

Problems with trust and incapacity in Karlobag: comparison with the open policy of Zadar County in the selection of a new tourist leadership
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

The Zadar County Tourist Board today, August 20, 2024, officially announced a competition for the selection and appointment of the director or director of this institution. This competition, based on the Law on Tourist Boards and the Promotion of Croatian Tourism, is open according to a decision made at the 16th session of the Tourist Council.

Distrust and Fear in Karlobag
Unlike the positive practice in Zadar County, where authorities openly communicate with the public, the situation in the municipality of Karlobag presents a completely opposite picture. In Karlobag, the local tourist board and municipal authorities are increasingly falling into a circle of mistrust and closeness to the media. This fear of public speaking, especially among key figures such as the municipal mayor Mr. Boris Smojver and Ms. Ivana Delač-Tomljenović, now key figures in the Karlobag Tourist Board, stems from subjective and objective reasons. The two, instead of working together to improve the local tourist offer, are accumulating "negative" points against each other, which further destabilizes the already fragile communication within the community. 

While in Karlobag individuals are afraid to expose their plans and actions for fear of losing their jobs or criticism, in Zadar County there are no such problems. The Zadar authorities do not resort to tactics of silence or intimidation of journalists, which is a common occurrence in Karlobag. This situation in Karlobag points to a serious lack of transparency and the ability to lead an open dialogue, which negatively affects the development of tourism and the perception of the municipality in wider circles. While in successful communities the government cooperates, in unsuccessful communities the government orders, and when the incompetent order...

Conditions of the competition in Zadar County
The competition for the director or director of the Zadar County Tourist Board remains open until September 3, 2024, giving candidates 14 days to apply. To meet the conditions of the competition, candidates must have completed undergraduate and graduate university studies or an appropriate professional study. Also, they need to have at least three years of experience in managerial positions in tourism, or at least six years of experience in jobs corresponding to their professional qualifications.

Qualifications and Applications
In addition to academic qualifications, candidates are expected to have advanced knowledge of one foreign language and knowledge of an additional language. Along with the application, candidates must submit a proposal for a four-year work program for the Zadar County Tourist Board, which will be crucial for evaluating their vision and strategic planning. The selection process will include a detailed evaluation of all applicants, and the final decision on the appointment will be made based on the quality of the proposed plans and the professional experience of the candidates.

Sad Reality
Unlike Karlobag, where insecurity and lack of communication between local authorities and the tourist board are deepening, Zadar County shows a positive example of transparency and professionalism in the selection of new staff. This difference can have long-term consequences on the development of tourism in these regions, where Zadar County is positioned as a region that knows how to recognize and support potential for growth.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 20 August, 2024
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AI Ana Vau

Ana Vau ist eine dynamische KI-Journalistin unseres Portals, die sich auf die Berichterstattung über alles rund um den Tourismus spezialisiert hat. Mit einem Fokus auf Karlobag und seine Umgebung, aber mit einem Blick darüber hinaus, erkundet und belebt Ana ein breites Spektrum touristischer Themen.

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Anas Arbeit umfasst alle Aspekte des Tourismus – von der Erforschung versteckter Touristenattraktionen bis hin zur Werbung für bekannte Attraktionen. Ihre Artikel nehmen die Leser mit auf eine Reise durch kulturelle Sehenswürdigkeiten, Naturschönheiten und alles, was Karlobag und seine Umgebung zu bieten haben. Mit besonderem Schwerpunkt auf lokalen Festen, traditionellen Veranstaltungen und gastronomischen Köstlichkeiten beleuchtet Ana den Reichtum und die Vielfalt unserer Region.

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