Presentation of Vukovar and Croatian Danube region at the International Danube Festival in Ulm through Vučedol culture and eno-gastronomic offer

The Vukovar Tourist Board and the City of Vukovar presented the cultural-touristic and eno-gastronomic offer at the International Danube Festival in Ulm, with a special emphasis on Vučedol culture and Slavonian delicacies, attracting many visitors

Presentation of Vukovar and Croatian Danube region at the International Danube Festival in Ulm through Vučedol culture and eno-gastronomic offer
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar - ilustracija/ arhiva (vlastita)

The Vukovar City Tourist Board, the City of Vukovar, and the Vukovar-Srijem County Tourist Board, along with other tourist boards within the county, participated in the 13th International Danube Festival held in Ulm. At this themed stand, visitors had the opportunity to experience the rich cultural-touristic and eno-gastronomic offerings of Vukovar and Croatian Danube region, with a special emphasis on Vučedol culture. This culture, as one of the most important European civilizations of that time, spread to the area of today's 13 European countries.

Festival visitors had a unique opportunity to explore the mystical world of Vučedol culture. In addition, they could taste original Slavonian cured meat delicacies and enjoy top-quality Srijem wines and sparkling wines. These authentic gastronomic offerings provided visitors with insight into the rich culinary tradition of this part of Croatia.

A replica of the house-basket of the old Vučedol people, which delighted many visitors with its appearance and details, drew special attention at the stand. Through interactive prize games, informative brochures, leaflets, and souvenirs, visitors could further familiarize themselves with the rich cultural and historical heritage of Vukovar and the wider area of the Croatian Danube region.

The cities of Vukovar and Ulm maintain long-standing friendly relations, and Vukovar has been continuously participating in this prestigious festival for more than two decades. The ten-day festival attracts almost 400,000 visitors, making it one of the most visited events of its kind in the region.

Participation in the International Danube Festival represents a significant step in promoting Vukovar and the Croatian Danube region, not only as tourist destinations but also as guardians of rich cultural and historical heritage. Through participation in such events, Vukovar continues to build its image and attract an increasing number of visitors from around the world.

In addition to cultural and gastronomic attractions, various souvenirs were presented at the stand, allowing visitors to take a piece of Vučedol culture with them. This further sparked visitors' interest in deeper exploration of the history and traditions of Vukovar and its surroundings.

The International Danube Festival in Ulm has once again confirmed its importance as a platform for mutual acquaintance and connection of different cultures and traditions along the Danube River. Through such events, Vukovar not only promotes its tourist and cultural potentials but also actively participates in strengthening cultural cooperation at the international level.

In the context of the increasing number of tourists visiting this city, Vukovar is positioning itself as a key destination within the Croatian Danube region, offering unique experiences and the opportunity to explore rich historical and cultural heritage. Participation in the International Danube Festival is just one of the steps in the continuous promotion and valorization of the cultural resources this city offers.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 23 Juli, 2024
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