Advent on Obrovo in Split: a rich program with street gigs, exhibitions and competitions

Obrov Street in Split once again becomes the center of Advent, offering exhibitions, gastronomic events, concerts and competitions, including charity gigs, Advent evenings and the traditional waiter race.

Advent on Obrovo in Split: a rich program with street gigs, exhibitions and competitions
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

From November 29, 2024, to January 1, 2025, Obrov Street in Split will once again transform into the center of Advent events, offering a unique experience called "Besa Me Mucho". This event, which emphasizes the importance of the traditional Split greeting "besa", will be completely free for all visitors, with the only requirement for participation being the giving of "besa" upon entry.

The organization of this Advent program has been taken over by the restaurants located on Obrov Street: Corto Maltese, Pandora Greenbox, and PiNKU fish & wine. Their joint initiative will enrich the Split Advent offer with a variety of activities.

Exhibition in Honor of Oliver Dragojević

At the beginning of December, as part of the celebration of the legendary Oliver Dragojević's birthday, designer Mile Modic from the FOR GAS gallery will present works inspired by his character and work. The musical backdrop will be provided by Luka Barbić from T.B.F., playing timeless vinyl recordings of Oliver's songs.

Gastronomic Evenings with Cocktails

One of the highlighted events will be a themed dinner with cocktails prepared by bartenders from famous Split cocktail bars: Bar Sistema, Strings, and Paloma Nera. The atmosphere will be further enhanced by the musical mix of the KLFM radio collective.

Competitions in Fast Onion Cutting

In collaboration with Metro Croatia, the "Fastest Knife" and the premiere "Fastest Knifelet" competitions will take place. Famous chefs, including David Skoko, will judge the participants, and the best will win a prize of one thousand euros and an internship at a Michelin-starred restaurant. In the evening, David Skoko will fillet fresh tuna in front of the audience, and guests will be able to reserve tables for the "TUNAJT show" in the restaurants on Obrov Street.

Street Performances and Charity Events

Throughout December, daily "Street Performances" will become the central part of the program. During Christmas, T.B.F., Darko Rundek with Ana, and other surprises will perform. These performances will have a charitable character, so visitors are expected to give "besa" as an entry ticket and show open hearts and empathy.

Christmas Waiter Race

The traditional Christmas Waiter Race, sponsored by Jack Daniel's, will once again turn Obrov Street into a racing track. Waiters will demonstrate their skills in balancing glasses and bottles, and the best will win a Christmas prize of one thousand euros.

Competition in Playing "Air" Guitar

With the support of Music Shop Metropolis, the second "Air Guitar Show" competition will be organized. The most successful participants, who demonstrate their skills in playing the invisible guitar, will have the opportunity to win a real electric guitar.

Unmissable events like "Vanjka for Christmas Eve" and "Sensinijeva for New Year's Eve" will once again be the highlight of the Advent season. Tables at the restaurants on Obrov Street for these days are already almost fully booked, so it is recommended to secure your place as soon as possible.

For the grand finale of Advent, a full-day pajama party is planned, where guests are invited to join in the attire they woke up in on New Year's morning. Detailed information about all the events is available on the official website of the organizers.

More information at:

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 07 Dezember, 2024
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