The first Hook&Cook Festival in Central Istria: music, gastronomy and entertainment at the Pale near Cerovlje 17 August 2024

Join the first Hook&Cook festival in central Istria that offers a blend of music, gastronomy and entertainment in the beautiful ambience of Bar near Cerovlje. You can expect concerts, fish street food and culinary competitions that promise an unforgettable experience for all visitors.

The first Hook&Cook Festival in Central Istria: music, gastronomy and entertainment at the Pale near Cerovlje 17 August 2024
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

The first edition of the Hook&Cook festival opens its doors on August 17, 2024, at Barama near Cerovlje. This event offers a unique blend of music, gastronomy, and entertainment, attracting visitors of all ages to enjoy an unforgettable experience. Organized by the Central Istria Tourist Board, the festival promises a rich program in a natural setting that provides the perfect backdrop for relaxation and socializing.

Culinary Experience with Hook&Cook
Fish street food enthusiasts will be able to enjoy a variety of delicacies prepared on-site by the Hook&Cook team. Visitors will have the opportunity to taste freshly prepared dishes, created to satisfy all gourmet appetites. The festival program begins at 4:00 PM and offers all-day entertainment with music by DJ Nemanja, who will ensure a great atmosphere with his tunes.

Musical Performances and Entertainment
One of the festival's highlights will be a concert by the popular band Gustafi, whose energetic performances will further enhance the atmosphere. The band is known for their lively performances that include a mix of rock, folk, and traditional music, creating a unique musical fusion that delights audiences throughout the region.

Fish Stew Cooking Competition
The central event of this festival will be a culinary competition in cooking fish stew. Three teams from the Pazinčica Sports Fishing Society will compete in preparing this popular dish, and their culinary skills will be judged by an expert panel. Visitors will have a unique opportunity to taste the competitors' specialties for free, which will certainly attract all lovers of good food.

Support from the Local Community and Partners
The festival's organization is supported by the Municipality of Cerovlje and the Croatian Tourist Board, while the Pazinčica Sports Fishing Society is a key partner in the event's realization. Such collaboration demonstrates the strength of community and commitment to promoting the cultural and gastronomic values of central Istria.

Invitation to Visitors
We invite everyone interested to join us at the Hook&Cook festival and experience unforgettable moments with top-notch music, delicious food, and a relaxing atmosphere. Cerovlje will become the epicenter of fun and good vibes, offering everyone the chance to explore the beauty of this area and enjoy a rich program.

See you at Barama on August 17, where a day full of joy, laughter, and culinary delights awaits. This event promises to become a favorite tradition, enriching the cultural and tourist offerings of Istria. Don't miss the opportunity to be part of this unforgettable adventure!

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 07 August, 2024
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