Nature and Culture Festival 2024 promotes the conservation of nature and cultural heritage of the Novigrad and Karin seas through educational and entertainment activities

The 2024 Nature and Culture Festival focuses on the protection of nature and the cultural heritage of the Novigrad and Karin seas. Visitors can participate in workshops, environmental actions and enjoy a rich cultural program.

Nature and Culture Festival 2024 promotes the conservation of nature and cultural heritage of the Novigrad and Karin seas through educational and entertainment activities
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

The goal of the festival is to valorize and promote protected and Natura 2000 areas, especially the Novigrad and Karin seas and surrounding regions, with the support of the local community and residents through the presentation of cultural and traditional heritage.

Festival of Nature and Culture
An unmissable event focused on the integration of nature conservation and sustainable local socio-economic development, ensuring the preservation of protected and Natura 2000 areas for future generations. Visitors can enjoy a rich program that includes a photo exhibition at the Info Center Kula Buti, children's workshops at Na Škalinan, lectures, an ecological underwater cleanup action in the Novigrad harbor, and a rich offer of various exhibitors with local products that visitors can taste and buy.

This year, a significant number of exhibitors from the entire Zadar County are participating, which makes us proud because we have enabled the mutual connection of all participants for continued cooperation based on positive experiences.

Along with the Tourist Board of the Novigrad Sea area, which is the organizer of the festival, co-organizers are Natura-Jadera, a public institution for the management of protected parts of nature in the Zadar County area, and the Municipality of Novigrad.

16:00 h
Underwater cleanup action "Life is the Sea" in the Novigrad harbor
Participant: Diving Club SV. Roko Bibinje

18:00 h
Malacological workshop for children and adults "Shellfish of the Velebit Channel and Novigrad Sea" on the Novigrad waterfront
Workshop leaders: Đani Iglić and Alen Petani

19:00 h
OPG Fair - preparation of exhibitors and start of exhibition at Na Škalinan

20:00 h
Info Center Kula Buta - opening of the exhibition "Municipal Hall in Novigrad - 110 years since construction"
Author: Jadran Anzulović

20:30 h
Festival opening - Damir Perić, director of Natura-Jadera public institution for the management of protected parts of nature in the Zadar County area
Joso Klapan, mayor of the Municipality of Novigrad

21:00 h
Cultural and entertainment program
Musical performance: Mario Bočić (saxophone) and Davor Doležal (guitar)

19:00 h
OPG Fair - preparation of exhibitors and start of exhibition at Na Škalinan

19:30 h
Workshop for children "Let's Dive into the Marine World" at Na Škalinan
Workshop leaders: Kristina Krapić (Natura-Jadera) and Ana Vlatković (Library and Reading Room Novigrad)

20:30 h
Info Center Kula Buta - lecture "Destruction of Travertine Waterfalls of the Zrmanja River after Torrential Floods"
Lecturer: Rina Milošević, mag.geogr.; University of Zadar

21:00 h
Cultural and entertainment program
Musical performance: Kristijan Beluhan

Additional Content
During the festival, visitors will have the opportunity to participate in various workshops held at multiple locations within Novigrad. Also, an exhibition of local artists will be available in several galleries, providing insight into the rich cultural heritage of this area. Guided tours of Novigrad's historical landmarks, including visits to the old fortress and local churches, are organized.

Within the festival, special attention is paid to ecological activities and education. Visitors will be able to participate in ecological coastal cleanup actions and educational lectures on nature conservation and biodiversity. Particularly interesting will be the presentation of new research on the flora and fauna of the Novigrad Sea.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 27 Juli, 2024
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