With the arrival of September, Zlatar once again becomes the center of cultural events thanks to the 55th Kajkavian Word Days, a manifestation that will last from September 20th to 29th, 2024. This long-standing celebration dedicated to preserving the Kajkavian language, customs, and cultural heritage of Zagorje brings numerous novelties and traditional content this year. Among them, the Choir of Little Poets and the Festival of Children's Kajkavian Songs stand out, events that promote love for the Kajkavian language among the youngest.
Great attention is also given to the event "Pajdaško sprehajanje", which will take place on September 28th, where participants will have the opportunity to present old Zagorje customs and crafts. The presentation of traditional crafts and dishes, as well as handmade items, is part of the program that attracts many visitors every year.
Entertainment enthusiasts will enjoy evening concerts by local music stars, with Jelena Rozga and Petar Grašo standing out as performers who guarantee unforgettable nights. Alongside a rich musical offer, visitors will also be able to enjoy numerous cultural events, exhibitions, and ethnographic performances.
Throughout the ten days of the manifestation, visitors will have the chance to enjoy a diverse gastronomic offer, including tastings of traditional dishes and specialties from the Zagorje region. Additionally, sports events will complement the program, allowing visitors to participate in recreational activities and connect with the local community through socializing and competition.
This year's manifestation emphasizes the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage, with a special focus on transferring knowledge and skills to younger generations. Organizers expect a large turnout and recommend that visitors prepare in advance for the rich program that offers something for everyone.
To fully enjoy the manifestation, the program will take place at various locations in Zlatar, including major city squares, parks, and halls. This year, thousands of visitors are expected, making this manifestation one of the most significant in the region.
If you want to experience the spirit of Croatian Zagorje, do not miss the 55th Kajkavian Word Days and enjoy the rich cultural and entertainment program awaiting you from September 20th to 29th, 2024.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 10 September, 2024
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