This week on Cres: summer carnival and musical evenings

This week on Cres: summer carnival, Lubenice music evenings, jazz concerts and theatre performances

This week, the island of Cres brings a diverse program for visitors. Enjoy the Summer Carnival, the grand opening of the 35th Lubenice musical evenings, jazz concerts, the Cres Butega and the Theatre on Piazza.

This week on Cres: summer carnival, Lubenice music evenings, jazz concerts and theatre performances
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

This week, Cres offers a multitude of events that will undoubtedly enrich visitors' summer. The program includes the Summer Carnival, the grand opening of the 35th Lubenice Music Evenings, klapa and jazz evenings, the Cres Butega, free guided tours, Theater on Pjaceta, and other attractions.

Mondays are reserved for klapa evenings, while Tuesdays are special because of free guided tours in English. On the same day and on Fridays, the Cres Butega, a local product fair, takes place. Wednesdays bring jazz concerts and wool felting workshops organized by the Cres Ruta.

Exhibition "Three Stories about the Arsan Palace"
On Tuesday, July 16, the exhibition "Three Stories about the Arsan Palace" opens at the Cres Museum. The Arsan Palace, built at the beginning of the 16th century, is one of the most beautiful Renaissance palaces in Cres. The exhibition will showcase the history, architecture, ornamentation, and secrets of this palace. The author of the exhibition is Inge Solis, and the design is signed by ARTiS from Matulji.

Events in Beli and Valun
On Tuesday, July 16, the Yin&Yang festival will dominate Beli with performances by DJ Demijan and DJ BMJ from 21:30 at Trg Pricrekva, while Danny Chicago will hold a concert in Valun.

Wednesday, July 17, brings wool felting workshops for children and adults as part of "Sheep Shenanigans," and at 20:30 in Valun, the Cres Summer Jazz Quartet will perform, featuring Filip Flego, Vanja Čerić, Denis Razz, and Rajko Ergić.

Programs for Children and Music Performances
On Thursday, July 18, the Happy German Bagpipers will perform in Valun at 14:00, while the program "Just for Kids on the Dock" will feature the Rijeka City Puppet Theatre's play "Tončić Petešić" at 20:00. On Sunday, July 21, at 20:00, the children's play "Chefs" will be held.

Friday, July 19, brings a promenade concert by the Vecchia Trieste orchestra called Giro di San Martino in Martinšćica. Theater on Pjaceta runs from July 19 to July 28 with a series of attractive theater performances for children and adults. The first performance, "Tončić Petešić," will be held on July 19 at 11:00, followed by "Chefs" on July 22, "Nonsensical Connections" on July 23, "The Stubborn Stick" on July 24, "Baobab Island" on July 25, "With a Backpack Across Croatia" on July 26, and the final performance "What Will I Be When I Grow Up" on July 28. All performances start at 21:00, except the first one which is at 11:00, and admission is free.

35th Lubenice Music Evenings
On Friday, July 19, the 35th Lubenice Music Evenings begin, lasting until August 16, offering musical treats every Friday. The festival will be opened by the President's Special Adviser for Culture Zdravko Zima as the envoy of President Zoran Milanović. The Lubenice Evenings begin with the raising of the festival flag and the anthem "Stay Here." After the ceremony, the audience will enjoy the comic opera "The Siege of Korčula" by English composer Samuel Arnold, produced by Opera b.b. from Zagreb. The concerts include Flavio Apro on guitar on July 26, Chaos String Quartet on August 2, Sandra Bagarić and Darko Domitrović on August 9, and Lovro Marušić on August 16. All concerts start at 21:00, and admission is free.

Summer Carnival and Tramuntana Days
On Saturday, July 20, the Summer Carnival will be held, organized by the Carnival Association Vežgani Cres and the Cres Tourist Board. The procession starts at 20:00 from the city gates on Šetalište 20. travnja and ends at Trg Frane Petrića, where the grand finale will take place. The program is hosted by Neno Pavinčić, and the entertainment will be provided by the Malvazija Band. The outdoor exhibition "Vežgani – from 1996 to today" showcases the masks of the carnival association and is set up on Šetalište 20. travnja, Trg Frane Petrića, and Cons. The authors of the photographs are Walter Salković, Robi Sablić, and Dominik Buš.

On the same day, July 20, Tramuntana Days will be opened with performances by Josefina and Trio Rio. Sunday, July 21, brings the Days of Mate Solis with an exhibition and concert at the St. Francis Monastery. Academic painter Mate Solis was an inspiration to many, and the event will preserve the memory of his work. The works of students of the Academy of Applied Arts of the University of Rijeka will be exhibited, and a concert will be held.

In the Cres Summer Cinema, on July 21, starting at 21:30, there will be a promotion of the documentary film "Ogenj" with a bonus screening of the film "Argus." "Ogenj" is a documentary film that depicts the life of an island resident through elements of fire, memories, and experiences.


Erstellungszeitpunkt: 15 Juli, 2024

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