Miss Lika-Senj County Jana Biondić delighted in the pageant

Jana Biondić, a student from Senj, was declared Miss Lika-Senj County at the Autumn in Lika event. This success brings her the opportunity to represent the county in the Miss Croatia pageant.

Miss Lika-Senj County Jana Biondić delighted in the pageant
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

Jana Biondić, a young and talented student in the third grade of the General Gymnasium in Senj, has been declared the new Miss Ličko-Senj County at the recently held competition as part of the event "Autumn in Lika." This event attracted great attention from the local community, and Jana impressed both the audience and the jury with her grace, intelligence, and charm. Alongside her, other candidates also stood out at the competition, but Jana managed to win the title that leads her to the national competition for Miss Croatia 2024 with her performance and her responses to the questions of the expert jury.

Support of the local community and future challenges

The reception hosted by Mayor Ernest Petry further confirmed the importance of this achievement for the entire Ličko-Senj County. Important figures from the world of beauty pageants, such as Ive Loparić Kontek, the director of the Miss Croatia Directorate, and Lucija Begić, known for her success on the world stage, attended the reception. In a conversation with the mayor, Jana expressed her excitement for future challenges and her determination to represent her county honorably at the Miss Croatia pageant. Mayor Petry expressed full support and noted that the entire community stands behind her in all future competitions and projects.

"Our county is proud of your achievement, and I believe you will represent us successfully at the Miss Croatia pageant. You can count on our support," said the mayor during the reception, emphasizing the importance of such successes for promoting the county at the national level.

Jana Biondić: Beauty and sports spirit

In addition to becoming the new Miss Ličko-Senj County, Jana has been actively involved in sports since early childhood. She started with handball and dance, and today she regularly goes to the gym and skis. Her love for sports and physical activity is just one of the reasons she stood out among the candidates. She enjoys spending her free time outdoors, walking her dog, and appreciating the natural beauty of her hometown Senj. "The sunsets in my town and the view of the sea and mountains from Velebit relax me. It gives me strength and inspiration for new challenges," Jana highlighted in one of the interviews.

The competition for Miss Ličko-Senj County provided an opportunity for all girls to showcase not only their outer beauty but also their intelligence, communication skills, and ability to handle challenges on stage. The candidates presented themselves in several fashion combinations, including elegant dresses and wedding gowns, and their responses to the jury's questions showed that each of them has a strong personality. Jana especially captivated with her naturalness and warmth.

Crowning ceremony and additional successes

The crown that Jana wore after the competition symbolizes her effort and dedication, and in addition to the crown, she also won a tiara made of precious stones, which was gifted by Gemstone gallery by Ivana Milun. The program was complemented by a musical performance from the well-known singer Andreja Šušnjara, and the majorettes from Gospić further contributed to the festive atmosphere. During the evening, Jana had the opportunity to enchant the audience again, which responded with applause and cheers during her proclamation as the new Miss.

The title of Miss Ličko-Senj County carries a significant challenge - to represent this region at the national Miss Croatia pageant. Jana expressed her desire to showcase not only beauty but also everything that Ličko-Senj County has to offer: stunning nature, rich tradition, and the warmth of the people who live here. Her goal is to demonstrate all aspects of beauty in the best possible way, not only physical but also cultural and spiritual values.

Jana is now preparing for the grand finale of the Miss Croatia pageant, which will be held later this year. Her energy, sports spirit, and love for her homeland will undoubtedly help her achieve significant success, and the entire county stands behind her, supporting her on this journey.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 17 Oktober, 2024
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