Krk Fair, also known as Lovrečeva, is one of the oldest events on the Adriatic, held annually in Krk from August 8th to 10th, celebrating its 500th anniversary.
History and significance of the fair
The Krk Fair has its roots in the distant past when traders from all over Europe came to the island of Krk to trade goods. First held in 1524, the fair has since become an indispensable tradition showcasing the rich history and cultural heritage of the region. Over the centuries, the Krk Fair has maintained its fundamental purpose as a meeting place for merchants, artists, and craftsmen, allowing visitors to experience the authentic spirit of times gone by.
Rich program for all visitors
This year's program at the Krk Fair brings many novelties and attractive content. On the main stage on Krk's waterfront, visitors will enjoy concerts by famous musicians. On the first day, August 8th, Petar Grašo will perform alongside the best European Coldplay tribute band, Liveplay. The next day, August 9th, Parni Valjak will hold a concert with the support of Valamar Riviera, and famous DJ Luca Montecchi will host a big disco party.
Medieval games and workshops
In addition to musical performances, the fair offers a return to the Middle Ages through a series of activities. At Kamplin Square, visitors can participate in the medieval fair, where they can see combat displays, craft workshops, and other historical reconstructions. Free interpretive walks through the old town of Krk are also organized, where visitors will have the opportunity to learn more about local history and legends.
Social significance and cultural heritage
The Krk Fair represents an important part of the cultural identity of the town of Krk and its residents. This event not only attracts numerous tourists but also encourages local residents to engage in the preservation and promotion of their heritage. The director of the Krk Tourist Board, Ivana Kovačić, emphasizes that the fair is a fundamental part of the town's identity and plays a key role in promoting cultural tourism.
Final evening and unforgettable experience
On the last evening of the fair, August 10th, visitors will witness a spectacular maritime battle and fireworks illuminating the Krk waterfront. Following that, the group Koktelsi will close the fair with a musical program late into the night. Organizers expect more than 60,000 visitors to enjoy this special anniversary, further solidifying the reputation of the Krk Fair as one of the most significant cultural-tourist events on the Adriatic.
Educational content and exhibitions
Apart from the entertainment segment of the program, visitors will be able to participate in educational workshops that will introduce them to traditional wood processing techniques and handicrafts. Exhibitions of indigenous products and crafts will provide insight into the richness of local production and skills, accompanied by interesting stories about the history and customs of the island of Krk.
Gastronomic offerings
During the fair, visitors will be able to enjoy a diverse gastronomic offer that includes local specialties such as fresh fish, olive oil, honey, and wines from the island. This culinary offering further enriches the fair experience, providing visitors with an authentic taste of Krk.
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Erstellungszeitpunkt: 06 August, 2024
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