LUCE Light Festival in Vodnjan 2024: a celebration of light, art and technology through 3D mapping and interactive installations

Visit the LUCE Light Festival in Vodnjan on August 8, 2024 and experience the magic of light installations and 3D mapping. This unique event combines art, technology and cultural heritage, creating an unforgettable experience for visitors of all ages.

LUCE Light Festival in Vodnjan 2024: a celebration of light, art and technology through 3D mapping and interactive installations
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

The history of Vodnjan is enriched with interesting events, and one of the most significant dates back to 1889 when the industrialist Pietro Marchesi illuminated this town for the first time with an electric lamp. His vision and effort inspired LUCE, the festival of lights, which will be held for the third and final time on August 8th this year. This event serves as a prelude to the Day of the Town of Vodnjan on August 9th, and the famous Bumbarska fešta on August 10th. This year, the festival will offer a spectacular 3D mapping by Romanian artist Radu Ignat, mini mapping in collaboration with the Petar Pan kindergarten, and interactive installations that will take visitors into a world of light imagination and innovation.

Legacy of previous editions of the LUCE festival of lights
In previous years, the LUCE Festival of Lights has become a symbol of visual creativity and cultural connection, creating impressive light spectacles that illuminated the historical facades of Vodnjan. The first two editions, held in 2022 and 2023, were special for their innovative approach to the use of light and technology. The creative team from the Pula-based company "Visualia Group" managed to convey the magic of the past in a contemporary way, using light installations that told stories about the rich history of Vodnjan.

That year, the thematic focus was on the Vodnjan stories, a project that revived local legends and historical figures through light projections. Using historical motifs, such as Emperor Franz Joseph and famous mayors of Vodnjan, created a connection between past times and contemporary interpretations. These events represented a blend of cultural heritage and modern art, bringing new light to forgotten stories and legends of this region.

The role of artificial intelligence in art and heritage
One of the key innovations of this year's LUCE Festival is the collaboration with Romanian artist Radu Ignat, who will present 3D mapping focused on the combination of artificial intelligence and cultural heritage. This project explores how artificial intelligence can interpret and display historical elements through light projections. In a time when artificial intelligence is increasingly present in our lives, this approach offers an interesting reconsideration of how technology can influence our perception of history.

Ignat's artistic installation will be located on Zagreb Square, making it the central place of the festival. His work includes complex light projections that bring the city's historical buildings to life while emphasizing how technology can enhance our understanding of cultural heritage. This project has the potential to attract both educational and artistic audiences, demonstrating the possibilities of using modern technology in preserving and promoting historical heritage.

Children's perspectives in light expression
In addition to professional artistic installations, this year's festival offers a platform for children's creativity through a mini mapping project realized in collaboration with the Petar Pan kindergarten. This collaboration allowed children from the Ribice, Lavići, Ptičice, and Coniglietti groups to express their imagination and vision of Vodnjan through light installations. Through children's eyes, the city becomes a canvas for creative expression, providing a unique insight into how the youngest perceive and interpret their environment.

This activity is not only an opportunity for artistic expression but also an important educational tool that encourages children to explore and understand the cultural heritage of their city. The integration of children's art into the festival of lights brings a new dimension to the event, making it more accessible and interesting for the youngest visitors, while simultaneously encouraging interaction between different generations of participants.

Interactive installations for all generations
The festival program is enriched with interactive installations that combine art, technology, and entertainment. One of the main attractions is WARP, an interactive light installation that includes two room bicycles placed next to each other. Participants can compete in cycling, while the roof above them is illuminated with LED strips. By pedaling, competitors create light effects, and the winner lights up the entire roof with their colors, creating a unique light show.

Magic Garden is another attraction, conceived as a light installation that connects nature and technology. Visitors will activate sensors with their touch, triggering light and sound effects, creating a magical light garden. This installation uses natural materials such as plants and stones, while mushrooms made of silicone resin and LED lights dominate the space. Sensors allow visitors to control colors and light intensity, transforming the garden into a dynamic space full of possibilities for creative expression.

Impressions and future of the LUCE festival
As with previous editions, this year's LUCE Festival provides an opportunity to create unforgettable memories. Visitors will be able to share their impressions and experiences at the nearby Forno Grande square, where they will be greeted by a pleasant atmosphere with Medea wines, Pula beer on tap, and a gastronomic corner of the Konoba Danijela from Betiga. This festival not only enriches the cultural offer of Vodnjan but also strengthens the community by bringing together people of different interests and generations.

In addition to enjoying the current program, visitors will be able to view the projections of Vodnjan stories 1 and 2 on the walls of Vodnjan's houses. The projections will take place at 9:00 PM, 10:00 PM, and 11:00 PM, offering an opportunity to relive memories from previous festival editions.

In conclusion, the LUCE Festival continues the tradition of connecting light, art, and cultural heritage, creating an event that surpasses the boundaries of a conventional artistic performance. Pietro Marchesi, whose vision laid the foundations of this festival, would be proud of the legacy that has emerged from his effort and dedication. We expect you on August 8th to celebrate the light, innovation, and history of Vodnjan together.

The Vodnjan Tourist Board informs all visitors that due to the festival, the streets 16. January, Zagreb Square, and part of St. Catherine's Street will be closed from 8:00 PM to midnight. We ask for your understanding and cooperation to ensure the smooth running of the event.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 02 August, 2024
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