Museums, maybe: unique cultural experiences of Zagreb

The Zagreb Tourist Board has launched the "Museums, maybe" campaign, which promotes unusual museums such as the Museum of Broken Relationships, the Museum of Illusions and others. The campaign offers 50% discount on tickets for selected museums during the weekend of 19 and 20 October 2024.

Museums, maybe: unique cultural experiences of Zagreb
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar - ilustracija/ arhiva (vlastita)

The tourist board of the city of Zagreb has launched an innovative campaign called "Museums, maybe," which brings together numerous unusual museums in Zagreb with the aim of creating a unique cultural experience for visitors. This campaign is not just a way to draw attention to already recognizable attractions but also an opportunity to discover lesser-known yet equally interesting museum destinations.

The initiative includes a special weekend event that will take place on October 19 and 20, 2024, when visitors will have the chance to visit as many as 11 museums with significant discounts of 50%. Some of the highlighted museums include the Museum of Broken Relationships, the Museum of Hangovers, the Museum of Cannabis, the Museum of Illusions, and others.

Cultural innovation as the backbone of Zagreb's tourist offer

One of the key elements of this campaign is emphasizing the creativity and innovation behind each of these museums. The Museum of Broken Relationships, opened in 2006, is an example of global success with its continuous expansion of exhibitions worldwide, while the Museum of Illusions, with its interactive and educational offerings, has become a favorite destination for families and individuals of all age groups. On the other hand, the Museum of Hangovers offers a completely different experience, focusing on educating about the consequences of excessive alcohol consumption through fun and interactive exhibits.

Martina Bienenfeld, the director of TZGZ, emphasized that this initiative aims not only to attract tourists but also to further raise the visibility of Zagreb as a cultural metropolis. The recognition of these unusual museums has already spread beyond the borders of Croatia, and the "Museums, maybe" campaign provides additional momentum for local private initiatives.

What you can expect during the weekend

The weekend event "Museums, maybe" offers an ideal opportunity for visitors to explore these museums at discounted prices. The museums included in this promotional event cover a wide range of interests - from historical themes and art collections to museums dedicated to modern phenomena like selfie culture and nostalgic collections from the 1980s. Additionally, the event includes lesser-known but equally interesting museums such as the Museum of Forgotten Stories and the Museum of Unfinished Art, which are perfect choices for those seeking an unconventional experience.

The Museum of Illusions, for example, provides visitors with the chance to confront optical illusions and interactive exhibits that challenge their perception of reality. With over 70 exhibits, some of which defy the laws of physics, visitors can expect an unusual and entertaining experience. The Museum of Cannabis, on the other hand, offers a historical overview of the plant and its use throughout various civilizations, while the Museum of Broken Relationships provides an emotional journey through personal stories of people from around the world.

Increasing visibility and international success

The "Museums, maybe" campaign is not just a local initiative but also a way to enhance the visibility of Zagreb on the international stage. Thanks to digital platforms and social media, these unique collections and museums attract the attention of visitors from all over the world. Museums like the Museum of Selfies and Memories, which celebrates selfie photography culture, as well as the Museum of Broken Relationships, which has won numerous international awards, have already become ambassadors of Zagreb on the global scene.

Besides the weekend event, visitors who miss the opportunity during the weekend can always visit these museums, as most of them are open all year round. Thus, Zagreb offers a continuous wealth of cultural content, making it an attractive destination for culture lovers and those seeking unusual experiences.

The future of cultural attractions in Zagreb

Thanks to the "Museums, maybe" campaign, Zagreb positions itself as a leader in promoting innovative and creative cultural attractions. Private initiatives behind these museums demonstrate that culture and tourism can go hand in hand, creating new opportunities for the development of the local community and attracting international visitors. Through this campaign, the Zagreb Tourist Board ensures that the city remains recognizable on the map of cultural destinations.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 18 Oktober, 2024
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