Dance and movement workshop at the Mediterranean Dance Center: exploring creative boundaries through improvisation and presentation of the work of "VILLAGE" by Alvilda Striim and Sarah Olivia Klitgaard

Join the Mediterranean Dance Center on October 12 for a dance and movement workshop led by Alvilda Striim and Sarah Olivia Klitgaard, and discover new dimensions of dance through improvisation and feminist choreography of the work "VILLAGE".

Dance and movement workshop at the Mediterranean Dance Center: exploring creative boundaries through improvisation and presentation of the work of "VILLAGE" by Alvilda Striim and Sarah Olivia Klitgaard
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

On Saturday, October 12th, a dance and movement workshop will take place at the Mediterranean Dance Center in Savičenta, from 11 AM to 1 PM. The workshop will be led by renowned dance artists from Denmark, Alvilda Striim and Sarah Olivia Klitgaard. Participants will have the opportunity to explore the creative potentials of movement through improvisation and instant composition exercises, emphasizing fluidity and dynamics.

The workshop program is designed to encourage creativity and innovation, with participants going through techniques that include repetition, movement recall, and exploration of new approaches to dance performances. This process allows participants to feel freedom in movement and experimentation, further contributing to the creative atmosphere of the workshop. The workshop is intended for professional dancers, but it is also open to enthusiasts who want to explore dance regardless of previous experience. Participation is free of charge, with the possibility of donations, and the number of spots is limited. Applications can be sent via email to

Presentation "VILLAGE" - Feminist Representation of the Body through Dance

After the workshop, Alvilda Striim and Sarah Olivia Klitgaard will present their work in progress titled "VILLAGE". This duo deals with the dynamics of interaction between two bodies through friction, strength, and softness. The artists explore the boundaries of control and rebellion, using the body as a tool to represent feminist themes. Through movement, the roles of power, vulnerability, and solidarity are questioned, with the bodies becoming a symbol of shared space and ongoing negotiations.

Alvilda Striim is a dance artist from Copenhagen, known for her innovative choreographic approaches that blend reality and fiction. Through working with bodies and visual elements, she explores the choreographic potentials of interactions among bodies, often featuring additional elements such as fluttering wigs or accessories that change the perception of the body. Her work combines humor and tragedy, making her performances dynamic and visually appealing.

Sarah Olivia Klitgaard is a dancer and choreographer who began her career at The Royal Danish Ballet, where she gained extensive experience in classical ballet. Later, she started her freelance career, focusing on exploring emotions and relational dynamics through dance and voice. Her work often includes installations and performances, and she focuses on creating collective experiences through the interaction of bodies and space.

"VILLAGE" is conceived as a project that thematizes life in a community, using the performers' bodies to reflect complex social dynamics. The artists rely on fluid movements and physical interactions, creating dance scenes that explore the concept of power and intimacy in social contexts.

The workshop and the presentation of the work "VILLAGE" offer a unique opportunity for participants to familiarize themselves with innovative approaches to contemporary dance, providing space for creative expression and exploration of new dance forms. This combination of workshop and presentation allows for a deep understanding of the artistic process and provides an opportunity to interact with prominent dancers of the international dance scene.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 29 September, 2024
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