Velvet Dress U2 Tribute Band held an unforgettable concert at Trg slobode in Poreč, providing the audience with a superb rock experience filled with the hits of the legendary group U2

Velvet Dress, one of the most famous U2 tribute bands in the region, held a spectacular concert at Trg slobode in Poreč. The audience enjoyed a faithful performance of hits such as "With or Without You" and "Sunday Bloody Sunday", with a magical atmosphere created by mobile phone lights.

Velvet Dress U2 Tribute Band held an unforgettable concert at Trg slobode in Poreč, providing the audience with a superb rock experience filled with the hits of the legendary group U2
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

A few days ago, Freedom Square in Poreč was the site of an extraordinary musical event that provided the Poreč audience with an unforgettable evening filled with the energy of rock sound. Velvet Dress, a U2 Tribute Band, performed on stage, making it the central event of the evening, and those present had the opportunity to enjoy a top-notch performance by one of the most renowned tribute bands in the region.

The concert started exactly at 9 PM, when the first beats ignited the atmosphere in the square. The audience immediately recognized the hits that the band reproduced with exceptional fidelity, reviving the spirit and sound of the legendary U2. From the first notes, it was clear that this evening would remain long in the memory of all those present.
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The energy of rock on Freedom Square
Velvet Dress is known for its ability to authentically convey not only the music but also the energy that U2 brings to its concerts. Throughout the evening, the band performed a series of hits that marked the career of this Irish group. The audience enjoyed performances of "Sunday Bloody Sunday," "One," "Beautiful Day," "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For," and "Where the Streets Have No Name."


One of the most memorable moments of the evening was when the band performed "With or Without You." During this performance, the entire square was illuminated by mobile phone lights, creating a magical atmosphere that further enhanced the emotional charge. Every note, every chord was carefully performed, once again confirming why Velvet Dress is recognized as one of the best U2 tribute bands in the entire region.

An unforgettable evening with well-known hits
This concert was just one of the many events that enriched the Poreč summer this year. The program of this popular summer festival includes various types of events, each contributing to creating a unique summer atmosphere in Poreč. Velvet Dress, with their performance, further solidified the reputation of this festival, providing the audience with an experience that is rarely experienced outside of real U2 concerts.
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Details about the program and additional information
More details about upcoming events and the Poreč summer program can be found on the official website of the Poreč Tourist Board. The site offers all the necessary information, as does the Facebook page, which is regularly updated with the latest news and announcements. For those who appreciate convenience, there is also the Moove app, which allows you to have all the information at your fingertips. Additionally, the Poreč Tourist Board issues a printed version of the program monthly, which can be picked up at the Information Center in Poreč.

For all those who missed the Velvet Dress concert, the Poreč summer offers many other events that will satisfy different musical tastes and preferences. This year's program continues to delight visitors, and each new evening brings a new experience for everyone who visits this beautiful city on the Istrian coast.

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Erstellungszeitpunkt: 15 August, 2024
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