Zadarhalf triathlon 2024: competitors from 21 countries test their limits at Zaton Holiday Resort, participating in swimming, cycling and running in the beautiful surroundings of Dalmatia

Zadarhalf Triathlon 2024 attracts competitors from all over the world to Zaton Holiday Resort, where they will participate in a challenging combination of swimming, cycling and running. This race, also the Croatian and Slovenian Championships, is held in the beautiful surroundings of Zadar and Dalmatia, attracting both professionals and amateurs.

Zadarhalf triathlon 2024: competitors from 21 countries test their limits at Zaton Holiday Resort, participating in swimming, cycling and running in the beautiful surroundings of Dalmatia
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar - ilustracija/ arhiva (vlastita)

11th edition of the Zadarhalf triathlon, which will take place on October 5, 2024, at Zaton Holiday Resort, attracts the attention of athletes and triathlon enthusiasts from around the world. This race, known for its exceptional organization and demanding course, serves this year as the official Championship of Croatia and Slovenia. Competitors will face the challenge of covering 1.9 kilometers of swimming, 90 kilometers of cycling, and 21.1 kilometers of running, all in the beautiful surroundings of Dalmatia. The race will start and finish within the resort, providing participants with a unique experience of combining sport and natural beauty.

Zadarhalf: more than just a race
In addition to attracting professionals and amateur athletes from over 21 countries, the Zadarhalf triathlon has become a central sporting event in the region. This triathlon, held for the eleventh consecutive year, has proven to be one of the few sporting events that has not been interrupted even during challenging times, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. The organizers have managed to adapt the race to new conditions, resulting in its continuous growth and attracting more and more participants.

Participants from around the world
This year's Zadarhalf edition expects the arrival of some of the most well-known names in the triathlon world. Among them are Croatian champion Andrej Vištica, who has won the Zadarhalf three times, as well as Austrian triathlete Michael Weiss, who has announced his arrival with his family. Weiss, who regularly participates in this race, emphasizes that this is a perfect opportunity for a late triathlon season, especially due to the proximity of Croatia and Austria. The race will also attract competitors from countries such as the Czech Republic, where Pavel Wohl, one of the leading triathletes, has previously won prestigious races.

Special program for the youngest
A part of the program includes a children’s Aquathlon race, designed as an ideal introduction for the youngest to the world of triathlon. The race combines swimming and running, tailored to different age groups. More than 400 young participants are expected, making this race one of the largest of its kind in the region.

Event management despite challenges
The organizers are prepared for all possible challenges, including adverse weather conditions, and have announced that in the case of unfavorable circumstances, they will adjust the race format, even if it means switching to aquathlon or duathlon. However, regardless of the changes, participants are guaranteed to receive a full start package and other provided benefits. All this makes the Zadarhalf not just a race, but an event that prioritizes the safety and satisfaction of the participants.

Registrations are still open, and all interested parties can apply through the official page Zadarhalf Triathlon.

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Erstellungszeitpunkt: 03 September, 2024
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