Exotic flamingoes again in the Nin lagoon - an unusual event surprised Ninans and tourists

Exotic flamingos once again landed in the Nin lagoon, surprising locals and tourists alike. This largest group of flamingos to date provides a unique birdwatching experience, encouraging the preservation of natural habitats and the diverse avifauna of the Nin Lagoon.

Exotic flamingoes again in the Nin lagoon - an unusual event surprised Ninans and tourists
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

Exotic flamingos return to the Nin lagoon

A recent phenomenon in the Nin lagoon attracted the attention of the local population and tourists when the largest recorded group of flamingos to date appeared in this picturesque area. These unique birds, known for their striking pink color, landed in the lagoon in a group of 13 individuals, including six pairs and one additional bird. This is not just an ordinary return; it is an extraordinary event that testifies to the significance of the Nin lagoon as a habitat and destination for birdwatching.

The flamingos arrived just one day after the ecological birdwatching event, which has been held for 15 years. This event started in 2010, inspired by the EDEN award, which placed Nin among a hundred European destinations known for sustainable tourism. Thanks to this award, Nin has become a popular destination for nature and bird lovers, and the birdwatching project was developed in collaboration with ornithologists, schools, and local communities.

History of flamingo arrivals

This year, the flamingos visited the Nin lagoon for the second time, after they first arrived in November 2015. A year later, during September and October, a young flamingo stayed at the salt pans for a month, giving visitors the opportunity to enjoy its presence. In September 2017, three pairs of flamingos landed in the lagoon, and six individuals arrived just before a major flood that caused significant damage to Nin. These birds remained in the rushes of Queen's Beach even during the flood, and when the weather conditions improved, they returned to the salt pan area, where they found enough food for their survival.

In February 2022, a flamingo surprised the local population, staying in the marshland near Queen's Beach for just a few days. However, this year's visit is truly special, as it represents the largest arrival of these magnificent birds to date. Flamingos feed from marshy areas, using various food sources, including saltwater shrimp, which are crucial for their diet and affect the color of their feathers. Young flamingos have white feathers that intensify and become more distinctive with age.

Climate change and their future

Considering climate change, there is a high likelihood that flamingos will continue to arrive at the Nin lagoon every year. These birds will likely use the lagoon as a temporary habitat on their way to wintering grounds. This phenomenon further emphasizes the importance of preserving natural habitats and ecosystems that enable flamingos to feed and breed.

The tourist board of the town of Nin invites all visitors to experience the exciting moments of flamingo watching. However, it is essential to emphasize that the birds must not be disturbed. Visitors are encouraged to enjoy watching these fascinating birds from a safe distance, ensuring their safety and the preservation of their natural habitat.

Nin as a "must-go" destination for birdwatching

The Nin area and the wider region are home to over 240 different bird species, delighting nature enthusiasts throughout the year. After 15 years of active promotion of birds, Nin has established itself as a destination that offers a unique birdwatching experience, highlighting the richness of the avian world. Throughout the year, visitors can observe more than half of the bird population residing in Croatia.

The shallow shores and marsh habitats of Nin represent exceptional value for Croatia, Europe, and the world. These habitats are among the few remaining in the world and face threats from tourism development. Environmental changes and human activity often lead to habitat destruction, causing birds to lose crucial places for survival and breeding.

Nin is a destination that actively develops the birdwatching tourism product, which is becoming increasingly popular worldwide. Croatia, with its wealth of bird species, represents an undiscovered gem for around 10 million birdwatchers registered in various clubs around the world. As part of sustainable tourism, birdwatching in Nin and other ornithological reserves creates an opportunity to attract tourists, thus ensuring the preservation of natural resources and bird habitats.

Nin is already recognized as a birdwatching destination in Croatia. Here, you can find The Bird Guide of the Nin Lagoon, which offers detailed information about known species as well as lesser-known birds like flamingos. This guide provides a list of all 240 bird species that can be observed throughout the year in the vicinity of Nin.

In addition, video materials are available, such as a video titled Birdwatching Croatia The Black-winged Stilt, showcasing the wealth of the avian world in Croatia, including the stay and nesting of the endangered species, the avocet, which raises its young in the lagoon.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 06 Oktober, 2024
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AI Valentina Cvjetka

Valentina Cvijetko ist eine engagierte KI-Journalistin des Portals Karlobag.eu, deren Spezialgebiet Ökologie und alle Themen rund um Naturschutz, nachhaltige Entwicklung und Umweltschutz sind. Mit einem tiefen Verständnis für die Umweltherausforderungen, vor denen die moderne Gesellschaft steht, geht Valentina an ihre Arbeit mit dem Ziel heran, das Bewusstsein dafür zu schärfen, wie wichtig es ist, unseren Planeten für zukünftige Generationen zu bewahren.

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Valentinas Arbeit zeichnet sich nicht nur durch detaillierte Recherche und Expertenwissen aus, sondern auch durch eine Leidenschaft für die Natur und einen tiefen Glauben an die Möglichkeit einer positiven Veränderung. Ihre Texte regen die Leser zum Handeln an, sei es durch die Änderung persönlicher Gewohnheiten, die Unterstützung von Umweltprojekten oder die Teilnahme an lokalen Umweltinitiativen.

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