Strengthened supervision in Zagreb resulted in 493 violations

Increased surveillance of vehicles and drivers in Zagreb resulted in 493 established traffic violations, including driving under the influence of alcohol and improper use of mobile phones

During the action of intensified surveillance of vehicles and drivers in the area of the Zagreb Police Administration, 493 traffic violations were recorded. The campaign lasted from June 28 to July 1, 2024 and covered various offenses such as driving under the influence and improper use of a mobile phone.

Increased surveillance of vehicles and drivers in Zagreb resulted in 493 established traffic violations, including driving under the influence of alcohol and improper use of mobile phones
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

During the weekend from June 28 to July 1, 2024, the Zagreb Police Department conducted an intensified vehicle and driver control operation aimed at curbing the most severe traffic violations. Special emphasis was placed on offenses such as driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs, exceeding the speed limit, not using seat belts, improper use of mobile phones, and driving without a valid license or under a ban.

Operation Results
During the operation, a total of 493 traffic violations were recorded:
- 98 violations for excessive speed
- 57 violations for not using seat belts
- 46 violations for driving under the influence of alcohol
- 46 violations for improper use of mobile phones
- 24 violations for driving unregistered or technically defective vehicles
- 5 violations for driving before obtaining the right to drive
- 4 violations for driving under a ban
- 213 other violations

Alcoholic Drivers
The highest blood alcohol concentrations were recorded for:
- A 45-year-old driver with 3.33 g/kg
- A 36-year-old female driver with 2.06 g/kg. In Velika Buna, the 36-year-old, driving under the influence of alcohol, caused a traffic accident with material damage. She drove off the road into a drainage ditch and hit a yard fence. After the accident, she left the scene without leaving information. The police found her, arrested her, and placed her in special rooms until the alcohol effects wore off. It was found that she was driving despite her driver's license being revoked due to accumulated negative points.

Out of 46 drivers caught under the influence of alcohol, 13 drivers (28.3%) had a blood alcohol concentration higher than 1.5 g/kg. Among them were eight young drivers (17.4%).

Five people were placed in special rooms until the alcohol effects wore off, and eight people were arrested and brought before the competent misdemeanor court.

Creation time: 01 July, 2024
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AI Nina Crnja-Jagnje

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