Events in Dobrinj municipality: concerts and yoga weekend

Events in the municipality of Dobrinj: concerts, yoga and festivities during the weekend of 28-30 June 2024

The weekend in the municipality of Dobrinj brings a variety of events, including concerts of the klapa Nevera and Saša 21 trio, festivities on the occasion of Peter's and yoga workshops on Soline. A detailed program for all visitors and participants.

Events in the municipality of Dobrinj: concerts, yoga and festivities during the weekend of 28-30 June 2024
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

this weekend will be rich in events in the municipality of Dobrinj.

On 28.06.2024. (Friday) in Gabonjin in the church of St. Peter on the nearby hill, on the occasion of Peter's Day, the day of the village of Gabonjin, a holy mass will be held starting at 18:00, and at 18:30 a bonfire (stiganja) will be lit in front of the church.

Concert of the klapa Nevera
On 29.06.2024. (Saturday) in Gabonjin near the church of St. Peter on the nearby hill, starting at 21:00, there will be a concert by the klapa Nevera on the occasion of Peter's Day, the day of the village of Gabonjin.

Festival Regional 2024
On 29.06.2024. (Saturday) in Šilo on the small square starting at 21:00, there will be a concert by the Saša 21 trio as part of the Festival Regional 2024. During the festival this year, you will be able to enjoy performances by the Ratko Divjak trio, Nuša Hauser, Dražen Franolić trio, and Pero Lovšin trio in the coming days.

Yoga in Soline
On 30.06.2024. (Sunday) as in many years past, yoga will be held in Soline under the guidance of Dolores Prodan and her team from Spirit. The start day is Sunday 30.6. at 8:30 AM, and as more sessions will be added by agreement and your interest, they will be announced on as well as changes in case of bad weather and possibly other activities such as SOUND GONG and HANDPAN baths.

Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

Creation time: 27 June, 2024
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