Zagreb Classic Festival: musical magic at King Tomislav Square

"Zagreb Classic" Festival brings musical magic to King Tomislav Square with renowned performers and special opera screenings

Zagreb Classic was opened with a concert of the "Film Classics" of the Croatian Radio and Television Symphony Orchestra. In eleven days, renowned musicians will perform works by renowned authors. A special novelty is the two days dedicated to the Vienna Music and Film Festival.

"Zagreb Classic" Festival brings musical magic to King Tomislav Square with renowned performers and special opera screenings
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Last night, the seventh edition of the "Zagreb Classic" festival was opened at King Tomislav Square.

In the "Film Classics" concert performed by the HRT Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Valentin Egel, Mayor Tomislav Tomašević enjoyed the performance alongside numerous fellow citizens and visitors.

„This summer, Zagreb offers a series of cultural events, starting with a top event for classical music lovers, Zagreb Classic. Over eleven days, at one of the most beautiful squares in Zagreb, King Tomislav Square, works by Croatian and international musicians will be performed by renowned artists. All concerts are free,“ said Mayor Tomašević. He invited all citizens of Zagreb and visitors to be part of this musical story that contributes to the promotion and recognition of our city, especially in the field of culture.

Performers at Zagreb Classic
The Director of the Zagreb Tourist Board, Martina Bienenfeld, stated that this year's edition of Zagreb Classic will feature world-famous pianist Hyung-ki Joo, Italian virtuoso Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi, soprano Caterina Iora, as well as local classical music stars.

Vienna Music and Film Festival
This year's edition brings a special novelty - two days dedicated to the Vienna Music and Film Festival. Visitors will have the opportunity to enjoy video projections of the most famous operas and operettas, such as W.A. Mozart's The Magic Flute and Johann Strauss Jr.'s Die Fledermaus.

Six concert programs start at 21:00, while three programs will begin at 20:30. In addition to performers from Croatia, musicians from Italy, the United Kingdom, and Poland will also perform. The complete program is available at:

Festival Organization and Support
The Zagreb Classic Festival is organized by the City of Zagreb, the Zagreb Tourist Board, and partners, marking the beginning of a rich cultural summer in Zagreb.

Creation time: 23 June, 2024
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