Marija Purgar Filjak received a Fulbright scholarship for environmental research

Marija Purgar Filjak secured the prestigious Fulbright Fellowship for Environmental Transparency Research at Emory University

Marija Purgar Filjak, a doctoral student from the Ruđer Bošković Institute, received a Fulbright scholarship for research on the transparency of environmental studies at Emory University in the USA, which will contribute to the progress of scientific methodology.

Marija Purgar Filjak secured the prestigious Fulbright Fellowship for Environmental Transparency Research at Emory University
Photo by: Institut Ruđer Bošković

Maria Purgar Filjak, a young scientist from Croatia, continues to build her career thanks to the prestigious Fulbright scholarship she received for a research stay at the renowned Emory University in Atlanta. This success will allow her to spend nine months studying the transparency of ecological research, with a particular focus on data openness and the sharing of scientific tools in ecological science.

As part of her research, Maria will focus on several key issues. Among other things, she wants to investigate how accessible ecological literature is to the public, how data and analytical code are shared among researchers, and how studies are registered before being conducted. These questions are extremely important for improving the credibility of ecological research, and Maria's work will contribute to the development of better practices in this field of science.

Family support and professional challenges

Maria's path to the Fulbright scholarship was not easy. The application process involved writing a motivational essay, creating a research proposal, and passing the English language exam with high marks. Her family, especially her husband Filip, was a great support during the preparation and through many challenges she faced. In addition to her professional engagement at the Ruđer Bošković Institute, Maria had to balance a demanding job with her private life, but thanks to her perseverance, she managed to achieve this significant success.

The Fulbright scholarship, funded by the U.S. Government, is awarded to the most distinguished candidates from around the world. In Croatia, the competition for this prestigious scholarship is held annually in collaboration with the Ministry of Science and Education and the American Embassy. The competition for the scholarship is highly competitive, with an emphasis on innovation and scientific excellence. Only the best among the applicants get the chance to receive funding for a stay at prestigious American universities and institutes, which confirms the exceptional quality of Maria's application.

Scientific achievements and contributions to ecological science

Since 2021, Maria has been employed as a PhD candidate in the Laboratory for Environmental Informatics and Modeling at the Ruđer Bošković Institute. In the past three years, she has published eight scientific papers, two of which were published in the prestigious journal Nature Ecology and Evolution. Her papers have addressed issues of transparency in research processes, and together with her mentors, Dr. Tina Klanjšek and Dr. Antica Čulina, she received the Institute's Annual Award for the best scientific papers.

Maria has made a special contribution to promoting the practice of registering research plans before starting research. This practice, which enhances the credibility and reliability of results, is of crucial importance for the future development of ecological studies. Her dedication to these topics has brought her recognition in scientific circles, and her stay in the U.S. will enable her further professional development.

Maria has highlighted that studying in America is an excellent opportunity for her to gain new knowledge about the latest data processing methods in ecology, which will contribute to her work on improving the quality of ecological research in Croatia and the world in the long term. Although she is temporarily staying in the U.S., she plans to return to Croatia and continue her scientific work here, with the hope of contributing to the development of the scientific system in her native Slavonia one day.

Support for young people and vision for the future

As a role model for young people, Maria advises them not to be afraid to ask questions, believe in themselves, and not give up in the face of challenges. She emphasizes the importance of family and colleague support in achieving professional goals. She also stresses that it is important to maintain a balance between work and rest, as it is easy to lose a sense of one's own worth in today's fast-paced lifestyle.

Despite all the challenges, Maria sees her future in Croatia. She plans to return and contribute to the development of science, especially in her native Slavonia. This young scientist serves as an inspiration for many young people who want to follow their dreams and achieve success in scientific circles.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 12 September, 2024
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