Dubrovnik summit of Southeast Europe and Ukraine: support for peace formula and European integration

The summit in Dubrovnik brought together the leaders of Southeast Europe and the president of Ukraine to reaffirm support for Ukraine and discuss security challenges and integration into the European Union and NATO.

Dubrovnik summit of Southeast Europe and Ukraine: support for peace formula and European integration
Photo by: vlada.gov.hr/ vlada.gov.hr

In Dubrovnik on October 9, 2024, a key summit was held, attended by the leaders of the countries of Southeast Europe, along with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenković. This meeting, the third in a series following previous gatherings in Athens and Tirana, emphasized the joint support of the region's countries for Ukraine in light of the ongoing Russian aggression. The summit provided an opportunity to discuss the implementation of President Zelensky's "Peace Formula," aimed at restoring peace in Ukraine and establishing stability in the region.

One of the key moments of this summit was the signing of an agreement on long-term cooperation between Croatia and Ukraine, confirming the commitment of both countries to provide mutual support, especially in the field of defense and rehabilitation of Ukrainian soldiers injured in conflict. Prime Minister Plenković emphasized the importance of solidarity with Ukraine, stating that Croatia has so far provided around 300 million euros in aid and will continue to support Ukraine on its path toward membership in the European Union and NATO.

Support of Southeast Europe for Ukraine

The summit saw the participation of leaders from 14 countries, including Greece, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Montenegro, and Kosovo, and the arrival of Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić attracted particular attention, as his participation added weight to the support for Ukraine in the fight against Russian aggression. Vučić's arrival was highlighted as a significant diplomatic step, given the historical political relations between Serbia and Russia. The Dubrovnik Declaration was also adopted, which emphasizes support for Ukraine and condemns any attempt at the illegal annexation of Ukrainian territory by Russia.

Within the summit framework, President Zelensky expressed gratitude for the continued support of Southeast Europe and reiterated the importance of international cooperation in achieving lasting peace in Ukraine. Special emphasis was placed on the security challenges facing Ukraine, as well as its path toward Euro-Atlantic integration. Summit participants also supported further enlargement of the European Union, including Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia, to ensure long-term stability and security in the region.

The Role of Croatia on the International Scene

Prime Minister Plenković took the opportunity to highlight Croatia's increasing relevance on the international scene, especially through the organization of such gatherings. This summit solidified Croatia's position as a key mediator between Ukraine and the countries of Southeast Europe. Plenković also criticized domestic media commentary that focused on the non-invitation of President of the Republic Zoran Milanović to the summit, deeming those discussions irrelevant in light of the international significance of this event. According to the Prime Minister, Milanović's views, which have long been inclined toward pro-Russian rhetoric, do not reflect Croatia's foreign policy course, which has firmly stood by Ukraine since the onset of the conflict.

In addition to political topics, the summit discussed the economic recovery of Ukraine, with participants emphasizing the importance of international assistance in revitalizing key infrastructure, including electrical grids and the energy sector, which sustained severe damage during the conflict. It was also highlighted that Croatia will continue to provide humanitarian and technical assistance to Ukraine, including participation in demining programs, which is crucial for enabling the return of refugees and the restoration of the agricultural sector.

Long-Term Perspective of Ukraine in the European Union

Summit participants in Dubrovnik strongly supported Ukraine's further progress toward European Union membership. As emphasized in the Dubrovnik Declaration, Southeast European countries see Ukraine as an integral part of the European continent, and its EU membership is considered crucial for ensuring the region's stability. Zelensky pointed out during the summit that Ukraine will not give up its European path, despite the challenges posed by the war. On the other hand, Prime Minister Plenković noted that Croatia, through its EU membership, can provide essential support to Ukraine in adopting European standards and regulations and assist it in preparations for membership in this organization.

In closing statements, Prime Minister Plenković and President Zelensky underscored the importance of continuing cooperation between Ukraine and the countries of Southeast Europe. Furthermore, the Prime Minister expressed hope that the international community will continue to provide assistance to Ukraine until the final victory in the struggle for territorial integrity and independence of the country is achieved. The summit in Dubrovnik sent a clear message of solidarity, not only towards Ukraine but also towards all countries facing similar security threats.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 11 Oktober, 2024
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