Promotional campaign of the Croatian National Tourist Board for the post-season

The promotional campaign of the Croatian Tourist Board "Experience Croatia" targets tourists in the post-season, emphasizing the year-round attractiveness of the destination and the richness of the offer

The Croatian National Tourist Board has launched the "Experience Croatia" campaign to attract tourists outside the main season. The focus is on attractions such as nautics, active holidays and eno-gastronomy, and the campaign targets the markets of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Italy, Sweden and Hungary.

The promotional campaign of the Croatian Tourist Board "Experience Croatia" targets tourists in the post-season, emphasizing the year-round attractiveness of the destination and the richness of the offer
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

The Croatian National Tourist Board has launched a new promotional campaign called "Experience Croatia... your memories are on us!". The campaign, which will run until the end of October, is aimed at promoting Croatia as an attractive year-round destination and aims to attract tourists outside the peak season. The campaign activities cover six key European markets: the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Italy, Sweden, and Hungary.

The campaign has multiple objectives, among which stands out the strengthening of Croatia's competitiveness in the global tourism market. One of the main aspects is highlighting Croatia as a safe and attractive destination, not only during the summer but throughout the year. This strategic initiative has the potential to increase off-season visits, thereby further strengthening Croatia's position as a leading destination in the Mediterranean.

Focus on quality and diversity of the tourism offer
"We are especially proud of the wealth and quality of our tourism offer, and our goal is to motivate guests to visit Croatia outside the summer months. Through this campaign, we emphasize the diversity of content and the high standard of our services,” said Kristjan Staničić, director of the Croatian National Tourist Board. He added that the goal is to achieve equal tourist traffic in the off-season as was achieved in the pre-season, which would enable further growth of the tourism sector.

Considering the broad spectrum of tourism products that Croatia offers, promotional activities are particularly focused on segments such as nautical tourism, active vacations, natural beauty, and rich eno-gastronomic offer. In this way, tourists can explore different aspects of Croatian culture and natural beauty, from the coast to the interior, contributing to the country's attractiveness throughout the year.

Innovative approaches to promotion
Within the campaign, promotional activities are carried out through various channels, including the latest forms of digital marketing. Using online platforms such as social media, YouTube, and display advertising allows precise targeting of tourist groups in different markets. In addition, native articles and print media also play an important part in the strategy, and there are also external advertising channels that provide additional visual reach for the campaign.

Along with all the mentioned activities, the Croatian National Tourist Board aims to extend the campaign's reach to other significant international events. The recent visit by renowned American journalist and host Michaela Guzy, who is filming a series about Croatian culture and tourist attractions, will further strengthen Croatia's image worldwide and attract visitors from outside Europe.

Sustainable year-round destination
One of the long-term goals of this campaign is to steer Croatia towards sustainable tourism, promoting the country not only as a summer destination but also as a year-round choice for travelers seeking authentic experiences. Special focus is placed on reducing seasonality and over-tourism, which is an increasingly important issue on a global scale. In this way, the campaign "Experience Croatia… your memories are on us!" lays the foundation for sustainable tourism development, while ensuring stability in tourist traffic throughout the year.


Erstellungszeitpunkt: 04 September, 2024

AI Ana Vau

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