Successful collaboration between the government and the Split-Dalmatia County brings infrastructural progress, cultural development, and support for tourism with investments of one billion euros

Split-Dalmatia County is becoming a leader in tourism and infrastructure thanks to cooperation with the government, which has secured billions of euros for the development of key projects, including transport, culture, and education

Successful collaboration between the government and the Split-Dalmatia County brings infrastructural progress, cultural development, and support for tourism with investments of one billion euros
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Prime Minister Andrej Plenković emphasized that the collaboration between the government and the Split-Dalmatia County has brought numerous positive results in various sectors, including infrastructure, cultural, and economic development. Projects implemented in recent years, especially those funded by European funds and national resources, have significantly improved the quality of life in Dalmatia. According to the Prime Minister, the government has made great strides in investments in transport infrastructure, which has resulted in better connectivity of the region with the rest of Croatia and the European Union.

Investments in transport infrastructure and traffic congestion solutions

One of the key projects in the upcoming period is addressing traffic congestion in the eastern part of Split, from Solin to Omiš. Plenković highlighted that this project, carried out by the Ministry of Transport and Croatian Roads, will significantly alleviate traffic in this area. The construction of the Kozjak tunnel is one of the main steps towards achieving this goal, and the Prime Minister praised the progress of the works that are proceeding according to plan. This road, which will connect important tourist and economic centers, will have a long-term positive impact on the region's economy.

In addition, the government plans further investments in the modernization of traffic hubs, which will enable better integration of Dalmatia into trans-European transport networks. Such projects open up the possibility of financing from European funds and international financial institutions, ensuring long-term sustainability and development of the infrastructure.

Development of culture and education

Plenković also emphasized the importance of investing in culture and education in the Split-Dalmatia County. He is particularly proud of projects such as the Split Concert Hall, which was built during the first mandate of his government, as well as the announced investments in cultural institutions such as the Museum of Croatian Archaeological Monuments and the Meštrović Gallery. These investments ensure the preservation of the rich cultural heritage and contribute to the cultural life of the region.

Moreover, the University of Split has become one of the key educational centers in Croatia, thanks to continuous investments that improve the quality of education and research capacities. The government has recognized the importance of education as a foundation for long-term economic and social development, so investing in young talents and educational institutions is a priority in the upcoming period.

Support for islands and hinterlands

Plenković has paid special attention to the development of Croatian islands and the Dalmatian hinterland. In the past two mandates, the government has invested around a billion euros in projects on the islands, with an additional 35 million euros allocated for projects in the Split-Dalmatia County in this financial perspective. These projects include improving communal infrastructure, developing tourism, and strengthening the economy of the islands, which will contribute to the sustainable development of this important part of Croatia in the long term.

In the Dalmatian hinterland, the government is working on projects aimed at stimulating the economic development of this underdeveloped part of the county. Plenković emphasized that significant funds are being invested in infrastructure and support for small and medium-sized enterprises, ensuring balanced development across the entire region. The Ministry of Regional Development is also working on specific projects tailored to the needs of the local population, reducing disparities between the coastal and hinterland parts of Dalmatia.

Split-Dalmatia County as a leader in Croatian tourism

The Prime Minister expressed satisfaction with this year's tourist season, emphasizing that the Split-Dalmatia County accounts for nearly one-fifth of total Croatian tourism. The number of arrivals and overnight stays has reached new records, and tourism revenues have significantly increased, further strengthening the region's economic growth. The government will continue to encourage the development of tourism, especially through projects that enable better transport connections and increased capacity of tourism infrastructure.

Additionally, Plenković announced further tourism projects that will contribute to the diversification of the tourism offer, including the development of cultural tourism and sustainable forms of tourism on the islands and in the hinterland. Such a strategy will enable the Split-Dalmatia County to maintain its leading position in Croatian tourism while simultaneously protecting natural resources and cultural heritage.

Strengthening ties with the Croatian diaspora

Finally, Prime Minister Plenković reflected on meetings with Croatian expatriates in the United States, emphasizing the importance of strengthening the relations between Croatia and its diaspora. Croats from Dalmatia, who settled in California and other parts of the USA, have made significant contributions to the development of local industries, particularly in fishing and shipbuilding. Plenković noted that many expatriates and their descendants continue to maintain strong ties with their homeland and are interested in investing in Croatia.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 01 Oktober, 2024
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