Trump's social media presence polarizes the U.S.

Trump's social media presence has sparked controversy and division in U.S. society.

Donald Trump, with his intense presence on social networks, is creating a wave of public reactions. His posts about alleged fraud in the electoral process and conspiracy theories further divide American society and polarize opinions. With more than 330 posts supporting conspiracy theories, Trump's activity is creating distrust in the election process and reinforcing divisions among voters.

Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

Trump's activity on social media sparks controversy

Donald Trump, former president of the United States and current candidate for the 2024 presidential election, is once again attracting public attention with his pronounced presence on social media, especially on the Truth Social platform. Over the past few months, Trump has posted hundreds of updates, the majority of which contained claims about alleged electoral fraud and conspiracy theories. An analysis by the New York Times revealed that Trump published over 330 posts mentioning a “secret plan” against him or the American people from March to September. Additionally, he regularly uses phrases and symbols related to QAnon, including accusations against billionaire George Soros as the main culprit behind the alleged plans against him.

Trump's activities on Truth Social, where he has nearly eight million followers, represent a platform for spreading claims that undermine the integrity of the American electoral process. Numerous posts are directed towards the narrative of a “deep state” that, according to him, manipulates elections, including claims about illegal immigrants and false accusations within the judicial system. His message about fighting “fraud” in elections resonates with his supporters and many right-wing groups that amplify this narrative on social media platforms like Gettr and Rumble, as well as mainstream platforms like Facebook and X.

A new wave of conspiracy theories about electoral fraud

With the increasing number of posts and repeated claims, Trump's posts are just one component of a larger web of misinformation that has grown since the 2020 elections. For example, last week a video was posted in Pennsylvania that, according to pro-Trump networks, shows “the destruction of votes” for Trump, which the FBI later confirmed as part of foreign attempts to influence the elections. Official American intelligence agencies, including the FBI and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), highlighted that such content is used to raise doubts about the security of the elections. The video, reportedly, was part of a campaign from Russia that focused on spreading distrust in the electoral process and division among Americans.

Supporters and media networks connected to Trump are also working to promote similar theories, further amplifying the impact of Trump's posts. Besides Trump posting himself, he often shares content from anonymous sources that include graphics and dubious data. Many of these profiles post derogatory comments about his opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris, as well as manipulated photographs and videos that further fan the flames of existing conspiracy theories.

Negative impact on the electoral process and public opinion

As the American public prepares for the upcoming elections, this trend of misinformation and manipulation on social media poses a challenge to the democratic process. Groups like the Heritage Foundation, True the Vote, and a new project called the Election Integrity Network are organizing workshops and educational sessions about the spread of misinformation online. Their campaign includes advice on the most effective times and formats for posts, as well as how to engage with the audience through graphic displays. This strategy further encourages users to spread doubts about the electoral process, and the narrative about potential irregularities becomes increasingly prevalent on social media.

Despite official denials and attempts to censor false information, social media platforms like Truth Social and other similar platforms continue to allow such content, making it significantly harder to build public trust in the electoral process. Critics argue that content moderation on these networks is inadequate, and numerous reports show how tech giants completely ignore these types of misinformation, despite serious consequences for democracy and the electoral process in the U.S.

Political and social polarization as a result

Trump's rhetoric on social media has further divided American society, where many supporters feel like victims of a grand conspiracy plan. The association with terms such as “false accusations” and “disruption in the electoral process” further emphasizes polarization. These feelings are further fueled by networks that support Trump’s rhetoric and further reinforce the perception of division, resulting in serious consequences for public discourse in the U.S. Critics believe that social media has enabled such narratives to spread quickly and create “information bubbles” where it is easier to find evidence for almost any theory, regardless of whether it has a basis in reality or not.


Erstellungszeitpunkt: 31 Oktober, 2024

AI Ivana Detaljna

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