Promotional campaign "50 Best Explores" in Istria: Jan Hartwig and Anna Wender explore Croatian gastronomy

The Croatian National Tourist Board and the Istria Tourist Board are organizing the shooting of the "50 Best Explores" campaign, highlighting the richness of Croatian gastronomy. Jan Hartwig, a famous German chef, and Anna Wender from Falstaff magazine Germany, visit Rovinj, Pula, and other Istrian destinations to explore local culinary specialties

Promotional campaign "50 Best Explores" in Istria: Jan Hartwig and Anna Wender explore Croatian gastronomy
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

The Croatian National Tourist Board, together with the Istria Tourist Board, is organizing the filming of the promotional campaign „50 Best Explores“ in Istria, based on a two-year cooperation with the platform 50 BEST RESTAURANTS. The campaign aims to showcase the richness and diversity of Croatian gastronomic offerings, with a special focus on Istria. As part of the campaign, Croatia will be visited by renowned German chef Jan Hartwig, owner of the three-MICHELIN-starred restaurant Jan, and Anna Wender, editor of Falstaff Germany magazine.

Kristjan Staničić, director of the Croatian National Tourist Board, stated that the project will promote Istria as a top gastronomic destination through the channels of The World's 50 Best Restaurants platform and strengthen Croatia's recognition on the global gastronomic scene. The arrival of Jan Hartwig, one of Germany's most prominent culinary talents, and the presence of Falstaff Germany magazine will further promote Croatian cuisine and eno-gastronomy, an important motivator for visitors to Croatia. The campaign will be published at the end of the summer.

The „50 Best Explores“ campaign follows a famous chef as he explores global gastronomy, providing viewers with a unique insight into the culinary specialties and cultural characteristics of the destination. During the campaign filming from July 8 to 12, Hartwig will visit popular Istrian locations, including Rovinj and Pula, various wineries and olive groves, as well as Cape Kamenjak. Activities include truffle hunting and cooking in traditional taverns.

Istrian Gastronomic Experiences
Denis Ivošević, director of the Istria County Tourist Board, expressed satisfaction with presenting the best of Istria during the campaign filming. Jan Hartwig and the team will experience an intensive program during their stay, including truffle hunting, tuna fishing, tastings of extra virgin olive oils, meditation with Istrian wines, and interactions with local producers and restaurateurs. Everything produced during this week will be available to a wide range of tourism and hospitality professionals and lovers of unique stories and experiences, further enhancing the reputation of Istria and Croatia as a destination.

Jan Hartwig is already a proven star of haute cuisine, recognized by Michelin and 50 the best. In October 2022, he opened his restaurant "JAN" in Munich, which after just six months earned three MICHELIN stars thanks to his unique style.

Additional information gathered for the article expansion: Jan Hartwig was born in 1982 in Nördlingen, Bavaria. His restaurant "JAN" in Munich quickly became one of the most prestigious places for gastronomy in Germany. Falstaff Germany, founded in 1980, is one of the most important gastronomic guides in Europe, known for its detailed reviews of restaurants and wines. Rovinj and Pula, as key Istrian destinations, are known for their historical landmarks and rich cultural heritage, making them ideal places to showcase local gastronomy.

The filming of the promotional campaign „50 Best Explores“ also includes visits to many wineries and olive groves in Istria, a region known for its top-quality wines and olive oils. Truffle hunting and consumption, especially white truffles, are one of the key activities that attract gastronomy lovers from all over the world to Istria. Istrian truffles, along with olive oil and wines, are part of the indigenous culinary offerings that make this region recognizable on a global level.

The campaign will also include showcasing the natural beauties of Istria, such as Cape Kamenjak, a unique place due to its natural heritage and protected landscape. Hartwig will also participate in local culinary workshops, where he will have the opportunity to cook with local chefs and learn about traditional food preparation techniques.

„50 Best Explores“ will give viewers around the world the opportunity to discover the hidden gastronomic gems of Istria, promoting this region as an essential destination for lovers of good food and wine. This campaign contributes not only to the promotion of Croatian cuisine but also to strengthening the tourist offer and increasing interest in visiting Croatia as a destination rich in cultural and gastronomic experiences.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 23 Juli, 2024
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