Two nights ago, boats were stranded in areas affected by the storm, but all maritime accidents passed without injuries.
LK Zadar / Two hypothermic people rescued after being stranded on the island of Mala Sestrica
The National Coordination Center for Search and Rescue at Sea (MRCC Rijeka) received a report on June 30 at 00:44 about a sailboat stranded on the rocks of the island of Mala Sestrica. The two-member crew, including one minor, disembarked on the shore. The rescue boat of the Zadar Port Authority immediately sailed towards the shipwrecked, and the Maritime and Airport Police Station (PPAP) Zadar, Civil Protection, and the Coast Guard of the Republic of Croatia were notified about the event. Upon arrival at the position, the officers of the Zadar Captaincy noticed a 15-meter-long motorboat stranded bow on the island's rocks, and nearby, two shipwrecked people, whom they managed to evacuate uninjured from the shore and board the rescue boat. Since the two rescued were hypothermic and in a state of stress, Emergency Medical Assistance (HMP) Zadar employees were engaged, who took them for further medical treatment immediately after docking at Luka Gaženica, at 02:15, when the rescue operation was successfully completed. No sea and marine environment pollution was observed at the stranding position. The boat is secured until weather conditions calm down and preparations for commercial refloating and towing are made. The Zadar Port Authority is conducting an investigation into the causes of this maritime accident, as well as all further actions in this event.
LK Split / crews of six boats reported difficulties in navigation and strandings during the storm
In the area of navigation safety supervision of the Split Port Authority, numerous difficulties of crews on boats in the storm were reported, mostly in the Pakleni Islands area, but fortunately without injuries, sea pollution, and major material damage. Split Captaincy officers acted towards six boat crews, who reported difficulties mainly in the Brač-Hvar archipelago area.
ILK Hvar / Stranded boat in Stipanska Bay, Pakleni Islands
The first report of a maritime accident in LK Split was received on June 29 at 21:40 through the Hvar Port Authority Substation, which reported a stranded boat in Stipanska Bay, on the Pakleni Islands. ILK Hvar officers immediately sailed to the position and shortly afterwards found the stranded boat without a crew. Since in the meantime no injuries or missing persons were reported, the Split Port Authority determined that the stranded boat is owned by a local charter company with which communication and further actions were initiated, as there were 10 crew members on the boat, including the skipper (citizens of the Kingdom of Sweden).
ILK Hvar / Wrecked boat in Soline Bay, Pakleni Islands
The next report in LK Split was received on June 29 at 22:20 through MRCC Rijeka about a call for help from the crew of a wrecked boat, also in a storm in the Pakleni Islands area. Immediately upon receiving the report from LK Split, direct communication was established with the boat's skipper, on which there were 10 people, including the skipper (citizens of the United States of America and Ukraine). ILK Hvar officers sailed to the wrecked boat and shortly afterwards found the boat in Taršće Bay. After checking the condition of the crew and establishing that there were no injuries, the wrecked boat with the crew was towed to a safe berth in Soline Bay, where they docked at 23:30, successfully completing the rescue operation.
LK Split / Extraordinary events without casualties and sea pollution
In addition to the two interventions mentioned, MRCC Rijeka, in cooperation with LK Split, coordinated the communication of boat crews in unfavorable but not life-threatening situations with companies specialized in providing commercial assistance to crews and boats at sea, and all cases were successfully concluded without sea pollution and with relatively minor material damage to the vessels. All reported cases are being processed by the Split Port Authority and the corresponding sub-offices of the Split Captaincy.
Erstellungszeitpunkt: 03 Juli, 2024
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