Artificial intelligence allows conversation with an older version of oneself and helps young people reduce anxiety and make wiser long-term decisions

Artificial intelligence technology now enables users to converse with their future selves, helping them reduce anxiety and improve decision-making. A system developed at MIT uses generative AI to create a realistic simulation of an individual's future

Artificial intelligence allows conversation with an older version of oneself and helps young people reduce anxiety and make wiser long-term decisions
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the world we live in, offering innovative tools that can help people improve their emotional and mental well-being. One of the latest tools, called Future You, developed at MIT, allows users to "meet" a simulated version of themselves from the future using generative AI technology. This system uses sophisticated artificial intelligence models to create an interactive simulation of one's future self, aimed at reducing anxiety and improving long-term decision-making.

The use of the Future You technology is primarily designed to help young people connect with their own future on a deeper emotional level. The concept behind this tool is called “future self-continuity,” referring to the sense of connection an individual has with their future. Research has shown that people with a stronger sense of future self-continuity make more thoughtful decisions regarding financial investments, academic success, and personal development.

How does Future You work?

The process starts with a simple survey where users provide information about their current lives, including important goals and values. After that, AI uses this information to create so-called "future self memories," which enable a realistic simulation of users' personal and professional experiences in the future. For example, if a user aspires to a career in science, the simulation may respond as a retired scientist, offering advice and stories about the successes and challenges one might experience.

In addition to text interaction, the system also uses visual elements to make the experience even more compelling. Based on a user’s photograph, the system generates an image of the user aged several decades, contributing to the sense of reality and helping users imagine their life in the future.

Effects on users and further development

Initial study results show that users who spent 10 to 30 minutes interacting with their future selves reported reduced anxiety and a stronger sense of connection to their future goals. These experiences help users feel emotionally more stable and better prepared to make decisions that will have long-term positive consequences.

One of the goals of this tool is to encourage users to consider the long-term consequences of their current decisions. For example, many users reported that talking to their future self helped them reflect on finances, education, and health in ways that lead to a better future. The system uses language patterns like "when I was your age" to enhance the feeling of conversing with a real future version of oneself.

However, to avoid negative scenarios or unrealistic expectations, the team behind Future You has made it clear that the tool shows only one possible version of the future, emphasizing that users still have control over shaping their lives. By changing the answers in the initial survey, users can experience different future scenarios, encouraging a proactive approach to personal development.

The future of this tool

The research team plans to further develop this tool to make it even more accessible. For example, the tool could be used to help people consider various careers or evaluate how their current decisions might impact future climate change. Researchers are also working on implementing additional safeguards to prevent possible misuse, such as manipulation by corporations that could use the simulation to promote products.

Future You is not just a technological innovation but also a tool for introspection and personal growth. Its ability to provide users with a unique experience, encouraging long-term thinking and reducing anxiety, makes it an extremely valuable resource for those looking to better connect with their future selves. In a world where technology often creates a sense of alienation, Future You shows how AI can help people make better decisions, striving toward a better version of themselves.

Source: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 09 Oktober, 2024
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