Croatian gastronomy richer by two MICHELIN stars: restaurant Agli Amici from Rovinj and Dubravkin put from Zagreb received prestigious awards

Croatia now has a two MICHELIN-STARRED restaurant and ten one-star restaurants. Agli Amici from Rovinj and Dubravkin put from Zagreb are the new recipients of these prestigious awards, which confirms the excellence of Croatian gastronomy.

Croatian gastronomy richer by two MICHELIN stars: restaurant Agli Amici from Rovinj and Dubravkin put from Zagreb received prestigious awards
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

Croatia now has a restaurant with two MICHELIN stars and ten restaurants with one prestigious star, which is a great honor for our gastronomy. The latest MICHELIN selection for Croatia brought new stars to the Agli Amici restaurant from Rovinj with two stars and Dubravkin put from Zagreb with one star. The restaurants Pelegrini (Šibenik), 360° (Dubrovnik), Monte (Rovinj), Noel (Zagreb), Boškinac (Novalja), LD Restaurant (Korčula), Nebo (Rijeka), Alfred Keller (Mali Lošinj), and Korak (Jastrebarsko) have retained their stars.

MICHELIN Guide Confirms Excellence
The new MICHELIN guide once again confirms the excellence of Croatian gastronomy. The creativity and passion of Croatian chefs are recognized worldwide, and the World Tourism Organization has declared our chef Rudi Štefan a global ambassador for gastronomic tourism. The diversity of the offer, authentic ingredients, and richness of the interpretation of Croatian dishes attract tourists, and wine and gastro tourism are part of our strategic documents. Congratulations to everyone included in this globally relevant gastronomic guide, said Tonči Glavina, Minister of Tourism and Sports.

The restaurants Zinfandel’s (Zagreb), Konoba Mate (Korčula), and Korak (Jastrebarsko) have retained their MICHELIN Green Star designation. This label is awarded to restaurants dedicated to sustainable and environmentally friendly gastronomy.

Promotion of Croatian Gastronomy
Croatia is recognized as a quality and attractive destination, and MICHELIN stars confirm the excellence of Croatian gastronomy. MICHELIN contributes to promoting Croatia as a prestigious gastronomic destination. The fact that Croatia has 93 restaurants with MICHELIN labels will be used to further promote gastronomy and Croatia as a destination, said Kristjan Staničić, director of the Croatian National Tourist Board, congratulating all the awarded restaurants.

Bib Gourmand
The Fakin restaurant from Legrad has been added to the Bib Gourmand list, making Croatia proud with a total of 11 restaurants with this label, which is awarded to restaurants offering quality menus at affordable prices.

The new labels are the result of a secret visit to Croatian restaurants by professional MICHELIN inspectors. The list for Croatia is published on this link.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 26 Juni, 2024
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