Nicole returned to Korčula after 50 years to celebrate her birthday in the room where she was born, at the Aminess Lume Hotel

Nicole Ana Lucia Bernarda Feral Massimino celebrated her 50th birthday on Korčula, in room 318 of the Aminess Lume Hotel where she was born. The return to the hotel, formerly Feral, was marked by a festive dinner and special gifts.

Nicole returned to Korčula after 50 years to celebrate her birthday in the room where she was born, at the Aminess Lume Hotel
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

Nicole was born 50 years ago in a room at the Aminess hotel on Korčula

Brna, June 28, 2024 – 50 years ago, on June 16, 1974, in room 318 of the Feral Hotel on the island of Korčula, Mrs. Nada Lukavečki started experiencing labor pains during her vacation with her husband, son, and sister. Soon, in that same room, she gave birth to a baby girl named Nicole Ana Lucia Bernarda Feral Massimino. Since then, much has changed: in 2011, the Feral Hotel was taken over by the Aminess Hotels & Resorts company, and the hotel was renamed the Aminess Lume Hotel. Exactly half a century later, Nicole returned to her birthplace to celebrate her birthday at this significant location, which gave her one of her names.

The Aminess Lume Hotel is hidden in a quiet bay in the small town of Brna, a 20-minute drive from the town of Korčula and only three meters from the sea. This location offers guests the perfect opportunity to relax in a peaceful environment, but due to its isolation on the day of Nicole's birth, it caused concern for her mother Nada because of the distance from hospitals.

A special day for the residents of Brna
An unforgettable event is vividly remembered by Mr. Žarko Pecotić, a local resident, who started working at the hotel in 1971, while still a student. On that unforgettable day, he was working at the reception. In the years that followed, he became the hotel manager, then the destination director, and his continued presence among the employees speaks to the values of the Aminess brand, which fosters friendly relationships with employees as a business guide.

"The lady came on vacation, miscalculated the dates, and expected labor 15 days later. Fortunately, at that time, we had a gynecologist, Mr. Srećko Baničević, in Smokvica. An even happier coincidence was that the head of gynecology in Skopje was visiting him. Both came to the hotel, to room 318, where the girl was eventually born. Nicole's birth in the hotel is one of those things you can never forget. In all 53 years I've been involved with this hotel, I don't remember anything similar happening. Her birth became a kind of legend on Korčula, and I am very pleased that now, after 50 years, we have the opportunity to fulfill our promise to Nicole and host her in the hotel where her life began," recalls Mr. Pecotić.

On that day 50 years ago, the hotel gave her a gold pendant as a keepsake and the opportunity for a free summer vacation whenever she wanted to return. Although she had planned it several times, she was unfortunately always prevented, but now her long-standing wish has finally come true precisely for her 50th birthday. To make this truly special vacation memorable, Aminess provided Nicole with a voucher for the promised free vacation and enjoyment of dinners in the hotel's top restaurant.

Celebration of the 50th birthday on Korčula
On the exact day of her 50th birthday, which she celebrated on Korčula, a special celebratory dinner was organized, accompanied by a surprise cake. The current hotel director, Ivana Radovanović, presented Nicole with a bouquet of flowers and a silver bracelet with the date June 16, 2024, as a memory of this special birthday. The silver bracelet serves as a perfect pair to the gold pendant Nicole received for her birth and wore during this year's stay on Korčula.

"We wanted the celebration of the 50th birthday at this significant place to remain a lasting memory for Mrs. Massimino. Her entire stay at our hotel was marked by a celebratory atmosphere, which culminated on her birthday. We put in a lot of effort to make her stay at her birthplace truly special, and I believe we met the high standards we set for ourselves," emphasized Ivana Radovanović, director of the Aminess Lume Hotel.

"I contacted Aminess to fulfill my promised free vacation from 50 years ago without too many additional expectations. They were exceeded multiple times over because the hotel staff welcomed me wonderfully and took care of every little detail during my stay on Korčula. The surprise dinner and gifts concluded my delight, and I know I will never forget this celebration for my 50th birthday. Thank you to all the staff at the Lume Hotel, and I hope to return to the beautiful Korčula and spend time with these wonderful people again," concluded Nicole Ana Lucia Bernarda Feral Massimino.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 28 Juni, 2024
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