Blue Fish Month in Crikvenica: Celebrating traditional Mediterranean cuisine with gastronomic delights and cultural events

Blue Fish Month, an event held from September 20 to October 20 in Crikvenica, celebrates the richness of blue fish through various gastronomic offers and cultural activities. This unique event gathers visitors around the enjoyment of blue fish specialties, and includes cooking shows, workshops and concerts.

Blue Fish Month in Crikvenica: Celebrating traditional Mediterranean cuisine with gastronomic delights and cultural events
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

On the beautiful Crikvenica Riviera, food enthusiasts and Mediterranean cuisine lovers have the opportunity to enjoy the "Month of Blue Fish," an event that takes place from September 20 to October 20, 2024. This event celebrates blue fish, which is not only a nutritionally rich food, but also a key part of the history and culture of this region. This month dedicated to fishing and maritime tradition attracts many visitors who wish to enjoy imaginative dishes prepared from fresh fish specialties.

The Month of Blue Fish, now in its 12th edition, was conceived as a project that was originally intended to last only a week, but due to great interest and a desire to expand the program, it has been transformed into a whole month of celebration. This event is not only an opportunity to enjoy delicious food, but also includes various activities, workshops, and cultural events that connect the love of the sea with local tradition and a modern approach to gastronomy.

Opening of the event

The opening of the "Month of Blue Fish" was held on September 20, where renowned chef Hrvoje Zirojević started a three-day program with a cooking show in the center of Crikvenica. Guests had the opportunity to taste a variety of dishes made from blue fish, perfectly complemented by wine corners and cocktails. The hosts of these events, Domagoj Jakopović known as Ribafish and Gracian Čop, enthusiastically guided visitors through this gastronomic spectacle, while in the evening hours, they could enjoy a performance by the Klapa "Cambi," which further enriched the atmosphere.

Program and activities

The next day, September 21, brought a special marine attraction – the arrival of a fishing boat in the Crikvenica harbor with spectacular tuna prepared by a Japanese sushi master. Chef Dražen Mihajlović from "Jadran Hotels & Camps" prepared a series of dishes from this large fish, thus offering a unique experience. This event is a perfect opportunity for anyone who wants to learn more about the preparation of blue fish and its importance in local cuisine.

Sunday, September 22, is reserved for a cooking show by chef Nikola Udovičić from the restaurant "Burin." His special recipes for blue fish delighted visitors, while the musical group "Vigor" further entertained all present. This three-day celebration was also a real fun for the youngest, who could enjoy workshops, performances, and animations, ensuring a diverse offer for the whole family.

Cultural and eno-gastro activities

As part of the event, the "Crikvenica Food & Wine Walk" is also held, which will take place on September 28. This eno-gastro walk takes visitors through various restaurants and wineries along the Riviera, allowing them to taste specialties made from blue fish paired with carefully selected wines. The participation fee is 65 euros, and applications are open via email or the Eventim system, making it easier to organize this unique event. Participants will have the opportunity to enjoy an authentic Mediterranean setting and delicious delicacies, all under the guidance of local chefs and sommeliers.

Gastronomic tradition of Crikvenica

Crikvenica boasts a rich fishing tradition that dates back centuries. Blue fish, which includes species such as sardines, anchovies, and tuna, has always been an important part of the diet of the local population. Fishing here is a significant branch of the economy, and fishermen have developed their skills over generations, passing down knowledge of fishing and fish preparation. Today, alongside traditional methods, local chefs often employ modern techniques and creative recipes to make blue fish even more appealing to consumers.

The "Month of Blue Fish" not only promotes delicious dishes but also raises awareness of the importance of preserving marine resources. Sustainable fishing practices and the protection of the marine ecosystem are key themes that run through all activities of the event. In this way, visitors not only enjoy food but also gain knowledge about environmental conservation and the tradition of fishing.

Join and enjoy!

The "Month of Blue Fish" not only celebrates gastronomic tradition but also brings the community together around a common goal – promoting local culture, food, and sustainability. This event offers a unique opportunity for visitors to explore the rich culinary offerings and enjoy unforgettable experiences on the Crikvenica Riviera. Whether you are a local resident or a tourist, this month offers a variety of activities and pleasures that you should not miss.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 02 Oktober, 2024
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