Plenkovic's support for von der Leyen and the challenges of EU enlargement: Bled Forum reveals new political tensions and security challenges

At the 19th Strategic Forum in Bled, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic supported Ursula von der Leyen for a second term at the helm of the European Commission, emphasizing the importance of accelerated enlargement of the European Union, while the region faces growing security challenges and political tensions.

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Croatia and the European Union are currently facing a series of significant political challenges, while Prime Minister Andrej Plenković is trying to position himself as a key player in the Union's future development. At the 19th Strategic Forum in Bled, Plenković clearly indicated that Croatia supports Ursula von der Leyen in her candidacy for a second term as President of the European Commission. Despite the complex political situation in Europe, where the growing influence of the right threatens the stability of the bloc, von der Leyen remains a dominant figure symbolizing continuity and stability.

It is important to note that Plenković's support comes in the context of von der Leyen trying to secure enough votes in the European Parliament for another term. Although von der Leyen enjoys support from key centrist groups, including the EPP, Socialists, and Liberals, her path to re-election is not without challenges. The growing pressure from the right, especially following the success of right-wing parties in France and Germany, makes the process of political negotiations increasingly complex, and von der Leyen is forced to balance between different political groups to secure support.

Challenges of expanding the European Union
Plenković also highlighted the need to accelerate the process of expanding the European Union, particularly in the context of the Western Balkans. On the panel, he participated together with the Prime Ministers of Serbia, Slovenia, and Albania, where all expressed concern about the possible neglect of the region in the context of new geopolitical challenges. Serbian Prime Minister Miloš Vučević emphasized that the "European project" cannot be considered complete until all the countries of the Western Balkans become members of the Union. This statement underscores the frustrations felt in the region due to the slow progress in the accession process, despite Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova receiving accelerated access following the war in Ukraine.

Plenković pointed out that relations between Croatia and Slovenia are at a historically high level, which allows for better cooperation in addressing key European issues. This bilateral cooperation is crucial for the stability of the region, especially in light of new security threats arising from the conflict in Ukraine and broader instability in the Middle East. In this context, Plenković emphasized the importance of preserving the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all states, which remains a key principle of European foreign policy.

Political tensions between Croatia and Serbia
Although relations between Croatia and Serbia are in constant focus, Plenković made it clear during the Forum in Bled that minority and security issues remain priorities for Croatia. He particularly emphasized that the position of the Croatian minority in Serbia has significantly improved recently but remains a sensitive issue. Additionally, Plenković commented on the controversy surrounding the alleged Croatian spy in Serbia, stating that Croatia still does not have concrete information about the identity of that person but that this issue is not of crucial importance in the current political context.

Besides bilateral issues, Plenković also commented on recent political events in Europe, including the growing influence of the right and its implications for European politics. He emphasized that Croatia remains committed to European values and principles, including supporting Ukraine in its conflict with Russia and maintaining stability and security in the region. The Prime Minister also commented on the visit of the French President to Serbia, noting that bilateral relations are important, but Croatia cannot impose its views on other countries regarding their foreign relations.

Domestic political issues in Croatia
On the domestic front, Plenković faces criticism for using state resources, including military helicopters, for political purposes. In response to accusations from President Zoran Milanović, the Prime Minister emphasized that such accusations are an attempt to distract attention from more important issues. Plenković defended the use of state resources, emphasizing that helicopters and planes were purchased for specific purposes and not for political trips. However, it remains to be seen how this issue will develop in the coming months, especially in the context of increasing public pressure and political opponents.

Jadrolinija, as the main carrier in Croatia, remains crucial for connecting the islands and the mainland, despite recent accidents that have raised public concern. The Prime Minister confirmed support for the CEO David Sopta, emphasizing that the company continues to enjoy the government's trust and that all necessary steps have been taken to ensure the safety of passengers and crew. Meanwhile, the political scene in Croatia remains dynamic, with divisions within the Homeland Movement and speculation about future coalitions and partnerships.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 03 September, 2024
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