International fair Crofish IN Poreč: Fishing equipment, gastronomy and sustainable fishing

Poreč becomes the center of fishing with Crofish in 2024, a fair that brings together 80 exhibitors from the region. Visitors will enjoy exhibitions, culinary presentations, and sports activities while exploring innovations in fisheries and aquaculture.

International fair Crofish IN Poreč: Fishing equipment, gastronomy and sustainable fishing
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

From November 22 to 24, 2024, Poreč will once again become the center of fisheries, aquaculture, and water sports thanks to the 16th international Crofish fair. This unique event in Croatia will attract more than 80 exhibitors from Croatia, Italy, Slovenia, and Spain, and visitors will have the opportunity to discover innovations and products from these industries. The fair is held in the Žatika sports hall and covers more than 3,500 square meters of indoor and outdoor space. Entrance to the fair is free, making it accessible to a wide audience.

The Importance of Fisheries for the Croatian Economy

Fisheries in Croatia have deep historical and economic roots. As one of the most important sectors of coastal areas, fisheries not only contribute to the economy but also play a key role in preserving cultural heritage. The Crofish fair provides a unique opportunity to promote domestic fishing products and tools, enabling producers to connect with potential buyers and investors. Such events significantly contribute to the sustainable development of the fisheries sector, which is crucial for future generations.

Education and Professional Programs

One of the key aspects of the fair is education. During the three days of the fair, experts from Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, and Montenegro will participate in panels and lectures on current topics, including the impact of climate change on fish stocks, the improvement of sustainable fisheries, and the adaptation to European legislative frameworks. A special focus will be on innovations that reduce the negative impact of fisheries on the environment, such as the use of renewable energy sources in fishing vessels and technologies for waste reduction in aquaculture.

Culinary Attractions and Promotion of Traditional Recipes

The fair is not only an exhibition of products; it is also a gastronomic spectacle. Daily cooking shows will attract visitors who will have the opportunity to enjoy the preparation and tasting of traditional and contemporary dishes made from marine and freshwater fish. Top chefs will present recipes that combine coastal and continental Croatia, promoting the richness of Croatian cuisine. The preparation of carp in the Slavonian-Baranja style will be particularly interesting, providing an opportunity to popularize recipes from the interior of the country.

Technological Innovations in Fisheries

The fair will feature the latest technologies in fisheries, including autonomous floating collection stations for waste and wastewater from vessels. These innovations, such as EcoCUBE from the shipyard in Kaštelir, demonstrate how modern technology can enhance the efficiency and sustainability of fisheries. Additionally, visitors will be able to tour various types of vessels, including those from the Ministry of the Interior, and learn more about their applications in different types of fishing.

Sports Activities and Creative Content

Crofish is an event that combines sports, education, and entertainment. During the fair, competitions in sailing, duck hunting from moored boats, and predator fishing with live bait will take place. Children will have the opportunity to participate in creative workshops and free trial dives in the heated pool in front of the Žatika hall. These activities make the fair ideal for the whole family, providing opportunities for education and entertainment at the same time.

Sustainable Development of Fisheries

Sustainable fisheries are an increasingly emphasized topic in global frameworks, and fairs like Crofish play a key role in raising awareness about this issue. Lectures and workshops at the fair will focus on methods to reduce overfishing, preserve biodiversity, and increase the economic sustainability of the sector. Through the exchange of knowledge and experiences, Crofish helps Croatian fishermen and producers adapt to contemporary challenges and achieve competitiveness in the international market.

Why Visit Crofish?

The Crofish fair is not only a place for business contacts but also an opportunity for citizens to better understand the importance of fisheries and aquaculture for the Croatian economy and society. In addition to enjoying a diverse program, visitors will have the opportunity for education, networking, and support for the sustainable development of fisheries. Participating in this event contributes to the preservation of tradition, innovation, and the development of Croatia's tourist offerings.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 20 November, 2024
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