President Milanovic on the importance of dialogue with Moscow and NATO

President Milanovic emphasizes the importance of dialogue with Moscow and the stability of NATO during his visit to Washington

President Zoran Milanovic emphasizes the need for careful moves and dialogue with Moscow, and the importance of NATO in a difficult period, during the NATO summit in Washington. Milanovic also comments on the situation in Ukraine and bilateral talks with NATO leaders.

President Milanovic emphasizes the importance of dialogue with Moscow and the stability of NATO during his visit to Washington
Photo by: Ured predsjednika Republike Hrvatske / Filip Glas/

President Milanović is visiting Washington, where he emphasized that we are in a difficult and unpredictable period. "The dangers are great, every move and word must be carefully measured. It is crucial to maintain dialogue with Moscow, not just with Putin, but with the entire Russian government. The Americans are the ones who need to lead these talks. About ten days ago, after the incident on the beach, the situation changed. The relationship between Moscow and Washington is crucial, everything else is secondary," said President of the Republic Zoran Milanović to reporters during the NATO summit.

Situation in Ukraine
Speaking about the situation in Ukraine, Milanović said: "Ukraine is threatened by economic exhaustion and demographic destruction. We must be honest with them and not make promises we cannot fulfill. It is said that Ukraine's path to NATO is irreversible, this must be taken seriously because it carries certain obligations."

Dinner at the White House
Reporters were interested in the details of the dinner at the White House, where they talked with President Biden. Milanović commented: "It is not appropriate for me to comment in detail. I talked to him more than ever before, it was an informal gathering and an opportunity to talk, not only with him but also with other participants."

Importance of NATO Alliance
"NATO, as the oldest and most successful defense alliance, must remain united because we have no better partner. At the same time, the world is polarizing, which some here find hard to understand," Milanović added.

Changes in the White House
When asked about the possible concern among European leaders about the potential return of Donald Trump to the White House, Milanović said: "Some would welcome it, some would not."

Bilateral Talks
President Milanović confirmed that during the three-day summit, he held several bilateral talks with NATO member leaders. "The talks were intense throughout the summit," Milanović concluded.

North Atlantic Council Meeting
On the third day of the NATO summit, a meeting of the North Atlantic Council for heads of state and government with EU and Indo-Pacific partners, as well as the NATO-Ukraine meeting, was held.

Creation time: 12 July, 2024
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