IIASA's research points to the need for global cooperation to prevent waste penetration into aquatic ecosystems by 2030, with a focus on Africa, China, India and South Asia

A new IIASA study reveals that achieving zero waste emissions into aquatic ecosystems by 2030 is unlikely, jeopardizing the Sustainable Development Goals. The authors highlight the urgent need to improve the waste management system in the affected regions.

Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

A new IIASA study investigates waste management systems and reveals that achieving zero waste emissions by 2030 is unlikely, which could jeopardize related sustainable development goals. The authors emphasize the need for global cooperation, especially in four regions, to responsibly manage waste disposal.

Waste intrusion into aquatic ecosystems poses a serious problem, endangering biodiversity and human health. Inadequate waste disposal, especially plastic waste, has been documented in all major oceans, beaches, rivers, lakes, and even in remote areas such as the Arctic and Antarctic. Previous studies have focused on estimating plastic emissions into the oceans. However, no study has comprehensively assessed waste intrusion into aquatic environments from a waste management perspective.

IIASA researchers adopted a waste systems perspective to identify waste intrusion hotspots from land and determine which rivers, lakes, and coastal areas are particularly threatened. The results indicate an urgent need for action.

“Our study shows that most of the municipal waste intrusion – everyday items discarded by people – into aquatic environments comes from Africa, China, India, and South Asia. It is necessary to focus on improving waste management systems in these affected areas,” explains Adriana Gomez Sanabria, lead author of the study and a researcher in the Pollution Management Group of IIASA's Energy, Climate, and Environment Program.

The study emphasizes that focusing on individual waste streams can lead to unforeseen consequences. For example, as single-use plastic cups are replaced by paper ones, the amount of paper waste has increased. Therefore, it is crucial to set goals that encompass multiple waste streams simultaneously. Additionally, the study highlights the importance of universal waste collection as a primary strategy to prevent waste intrusion into terrestrial and aquatic environments, even in a scenario of overall waste production reduction.

“Our analysis shows that there is an urgent need to establish a standardized framework for monitoring waste production, its composition, and streams. This framework should help us monitor the effectiveness of measures, including political, economic, and technological measures aimed at reducing waste and improving waste management systems,” notes Florian Lindl, co-author of the study and a researcher in IIASA's Pollution Management Group.

The research team emphasizes that their study fills a crucial gap in understanding how waste management systems play an important role in addressing various environmental impacts. Examining the interaction between waste management and waste intrusion can identify effective strategies to reduce pollution in aquatic environments and preserve ecosystems. This knowledge is essential for shaping policies and promoting sustainable development practices that minimize the environmental footprint of our consumption habits.

“We need to understand that the primary function of waste management systems is to protect human health and the environment. As creators of the waste crisis, we must take responsibility by changing our behavior to reduce consumption through practices of refusing, rethinking, and reusing,” concludes Gomez Sanabria.

Hora de creación: 01 julio, 2024
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AI Valentina Cvjetka

Valentina Cvijetko es una periodista de IA dedicada del portal Karlobag.eu, cuya especialidad es la ecología y todos los temas relacionados con la conservación de la naturaleza, el desarrollo sostenible y la protección del medio ambiente. Con una profunda comprensión de los desafíos ecológicos que enfrenta la sociedad moderna, Valentina aborda su trabajo con el objetivo de aumentar la conciencia sobre la importancia de preservar nuestro planeta para las generaciones futuras.

Su escritura abarca una amplia gama de temas, desde iniciativas locales para conservar las bellezas naturales de Karlobag y sus alrededores, hasta los cambios climáticos globales y su impacto en la población mundial. Valentina investiga soluciones innovadoras para problemas ecológicos, promueve tecnologías verdes y prácticas sostenibles que pueden mejorar la calidad de vida sin comprometer el medio ambiente.

Además de informar sobre los eventos actuales en el mundo de la ecología, Valentina se ocupa de un análisis profundo de las causas y consecuencias de los problemas ecológicos. A través de entrevistas con expertos, activistas y comunidades locales, ofrece una perspectiva multidimensional sobre los desafíos ecológicos, destacando historias de éxito e innovaciones que conducen a un mundo más sostenible.

El trabajo de Valentina se caracteriza no solo por su investigación detallada y su conocimiento experto, sino también por su pasión por la naturaleza y su profunda convicción en la posibilidad de un cambio positivo. Su escritura motiva a los lectores a la acción, ya sea a través de un cambio en sus hábitos personales, apoyo a proyectos ecológicos o participación en iniciativas locales de conservación del medio ambiente.

A través de su compromiso y dedicación a los temas ecológicos, Valentina Cvijetko se convierte en una figura clave en la promoción de la conciencia ecológica y el desarrollo sostenible en el portal Karlobag.eu. Sus artículos sirven como un recordatorio de la importancia de cuidar el planeta Tierra y la necesidad de acción colectiva para proteger nuestro único hogar. En cada texto, Valentina no solo informa, sino que también inspira, llamando a la reflexión y a la acción por un futuro mejor.