Mindfulness training can cause altered states of consciousness: New research from the University of Cambridge reveals the effects of meditation

Research shows that mindfulness practice can lead to experiences of dissociation and unity, known as altered states of consciousness. The study highlights the importance of awareness of these potential effects.

Mindfulness training can cause altered states of consciousness: New research from the University of Cambridge reveals the effects of meditation
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

A study by researchers from the University of Cambridge reveals that mindfulness training can lead to experiences of dissociation and unity, known as altered states of consciousness.

Researchers note that while these experiences can be very positive, this is not always the case. Mindfulness teachers and students should be aware that such experiences can be a side effect of training and that participants should be encouraged to share their experiences with the teacher or doctor if they have any concerns.

Mindfulness-based programs have become very popular in recent years. According to recent research, 15% of adults in the UK have learned some form of mindfulness. They are often practiced as a way to reduce stress or cope with depression and anxiety. There is anecdotal evidence that practicing mindfulness can lead to changes in senses, self-perception, and body boundaries, some even similar to those induced by psychotropic drugs.

From September 2015 to January 2016, the University of Cambridge conducted a randomized controlled trial to assess the effectiveness of mindfulness training as a way to cope with exam stress. The results showed that mindfulness could help students who are at risk of mental health problems.

Research by Dr. Julieta Galante
Dr. Julieta Galante from the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Cambridge, who led the trial, said: “There is anecdotal evidence that people who practice mindfulness experience changes in the perception of themselves and the world around them, but it is difficult to say whether these experiences are a result of mindfulness practice or if people who are prone to such experiences are also more likely to practice mindfulness.

“Because we conducted a randomized trial of mindfulness practice with several hundred students at Cambridge, we realized that we had the opportunity to explore this issue more deeply.”

The team behind the trial followed participants a year later to investigate whether they experienced any of the altered states of consciousness that are anecdotally mentioned. The results were published today in PLOS ONE.

Participants were asked to complete a questionnaire that explores 11 ‘dimensions’ such as: spiritual experience; blissful state; dissociation; and unity. In unity experiences, there is a sense that boundaries dissolve and everything, sometimes including the sense of time, is perceived in an integrated way. Dissociative experiences often consist of feelings of floating or dissolving body boundaries, which can facilitate strong unity experiences.

A total of 670 participants took part in the trial. About a third of each group from the mindfulness trial and the control group completed the questionnaire on altered states of consciousness experiences.

Researchers found that people who underwent mindfulness training were twice as likely to experience unity and dissociation compared to those in the control group.

When researchers examined the relationship between the total number of hours of formal mindfulness practice and the presence and intensity of altered states of consciousness experiences, they found that the more people practiced, the more likely they were to experience unity, dissociation, or blissful states.

Participants who reported meditating in the past six months were asked whether the altered states of consciousness occurred during meditation. Based on this subsample of 73 participants, 43% reported unity experiences during meditation, 47% blissful states, 29% dissociative experiences, and 25% enlightenment experiences.

Dr. Galante said: “Although we cannot say for certain, our results at least suggest the possibility that mindfulness training causes these unity and dissociation experiences. This is consistent with other studies showing that people who practice mindfulness are more likely to describe experiences of relaxed self-boundaries and expanded spatial awareness beyond the physical body.”

Dr. Galante, who practices mindfulness herself, has also experienced these altered states of consciousness.

“I have personally benefited greatly from meditation and mindfulness and have also had many of these experiences,” she said. “They were intense and initially, it was difficult for me to share them with my meditation teacher. I didn’t know whether they were normal or desirable or if they were a sign of mental health problems.”

While many altered states of consciousness experiences are likely to be interpreted as pleasant, this may not always be the case. Dr. Galante emphasizes that it is important for teachers and their students to be aware that they can occur and to be open to discussing them.

She added: “The most common and intense experiences are usually those that do not have intrinsically unpleasant characteristics. Some, like bliss, can be extremely pleasant. But some experiences, like dissociation or an altered sense of self, can be perceived as unpleasant, or disturbing, even frightening, especially if you do not expect them.

“It is important that people who are offered mindfulness are informed about the possibility that they might encounter these experiences. That way, if they do experience them, they should not be disturbed. There might be nothing wrong with their experience, but it can be helpful to consult with their mindfulness teacher, and if the experience was negative, to discuss it with their doctor as well.”

The research was supported by funds from the University of Cambridge Vice-Chancellor’s Endowment Fund, University Counselling Service, and the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Applied Research Collaboration East of England program.

Source: University of Cambridge

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 19 Juli, 2024
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