Dalmatian brunch presented in Prague: a blend of tradition, indigenous dishes and cultural heritage of Croatia

The Dalmatian brunch presented in Prague brings a richness of taste, smell and tradition. The project celebrates Dalmatian gastronomy through authentic dishes, a cultural programme and strong links with the Czech market.

Dalmatian brunch presented in Prague: a blend of tradition, indigenous dishes and cultural heritage of Croatia
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

The Tourist Board of Split-Dalmatia County (TZ SDŽ) successfully presented an innovative project called *Dalmatinska marenda* in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. This project started two years ago with the aim of promoting Dalmatian cuisine, not just as a culinary experience but also as a cultural experience that reflects the way of life in Dalmatia. The event took place in St. Havel Castle, and alongside prominent guests from Croatia, numerous representatives from the Czech tourism sector were also present. The presentation included not only indigenous gastronomic specialties but also a cultural program, thereby giving the event an additional dimension of connecting tourism and tradition.

A special focus was on the collaboration of renowned chefs. Croatian chef Željko Neven Bremec, who is also the president of the Association of Mediterranean and European Chefs, and his Czech colleague Ondrej Slanina, presented diverse Dalmatian delicacies prepared according to traditional recipes to the visitors. Through this project, the importance of preserving original recipes and authentic ingredients was emphasized, which is crucial for the Dalmatian gastronomic offer. Guests also had the opportunity to taste wines from the Zlatan otok winery, which further enriched the experience of tasting Dalmatian specialties.

Promotion of culture through food

According to Ivana Vladović, the director of TZ SDŽ, Dalmatinska marenda is not just a presentation of food but a window into the Dalmatian way of life. Each meal carries a story about customs, history, and the connection to the sea, thus placing food in the context of local culture and tradition. This project allows tourists to experience the Dalmatian way of life through authentic flavors and aromas while simultaneously creating stronger ties between Croatia and the Czech Republic, which is one of the most important emitting markets for Split-Dalmatia County.

The gastronomic offer of Dalmatia includes dishes such as pašticada, brudet, arambaši from Sinj, vitalac from Brač, as well as famous sweets like trogir rafioli and imotska torta. This diversity makes this region particularly attractive to gourmets. Vladović emphasized that one of the key goals of the project is to bring these indigenous Dalmatian dishes back to restaurant menus, thus further enhancing the tourist offer of Dalmatia.

Cultural program as an integral part of the presentation

In addition to gastronomy, the event was enriched by a cultural program. The cultural and artistic society "Jedinstvo" from Split, the most awarded folklore ensemble in Croatia, portrayed the richness of Dalmatian tradition through dance and music. Their performance was a perfect complement to the food presentation, allowing visitors to experience not only flavors but also the spirit of Dalmatia. At the same time, Croatia Airlines, as the official partner of the project, presented its services and highlighted the importance of direct flights between Croatia and the Czech Republic, which further facilitates tourist arrivals.

Sustainable tourism and branding local producers

The Dalmatinska marenda project also includes branding restaurants, taverns, and producers who use indigenous products and prepare them in a traditional manner. In addition to promoting indigenous dishes, this project encourages sustainable tourism and focuses on reducing pressure on hospitality providers during the evening hours, encouraging guests to enjoy Dalmatinska marenda during the early afternoon hours. This approach not only alleviates pressure on hospitality providers but also creates an authentic experience for tourists.

As part of the project, free training sessions for local hospitality providers and culinary master classes are also organized, which further contributes to raising the level of the tourist offer in Split-Dalmatia County. During 2024, over 180,000 tourists from the Czech Republic visited this county, achieving more than 1.3 million overnight stays, making the Czech Republic the third most important emitting market for this region. With such projects, TZ SDŽ plans to further enhance the offer and position Dalmatia as one of the most attractive destinations for gastronomic tourism.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 10 Oktober, 2024
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