Annual Work Programme of the Croatian National Tourist Board for 2025: emphasis on sustainability and competitiveness

The Croatian National Tourist Board has adopted the annual work programme for 2025 with a focus on sustainability and tourism development. The plan includes revenues of EUR 55.3 million, promotion of lesser-known destinations and improvement of the quality of service to make Croatia remain a competitive and attractive destination.

Annual Work Programme of the Croatian National Tourist Board for 2025: emphasis on sustainability and competitiveness
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar/ arhiva (vlastita)

The Croatian National Tourist Board (HTZ) held the 39th meeting of the Tourism Council, at which the Annual Work Program for 2025 was adopted. The program, which covers planned revenues of 55.3 million euros, aims to improve the competitiveness of Croatian tourism through innovations and strategic planning. The emphasis is placed on the safety of destinations, pleasant climate, price competitiveness, and hospitality as the main criteria by which guests choose their destinations.

Sustainability as a Key Priority

One of the main topics of the meeting was the reform of tourism development management. The Tourism Council expressed full support for the efforts of the Croatian Government aimed at sustainability and long-term competitiveness of the tourism sector. The Minister of Tourism and Sports, Tonči Glavina, emphasized the importance of adjusting prices to the quality of service, especially in the context of the return of competitors to the market.

"The pricing policy must follow the quality of service. Unjustified price increases could result in negative market reactions, especially at a time when our main emitting guests are facing economic challenges. Croatia must remain attractive, not only through the beauty of its destinations but also through accessibility and value for money," said Glavina.

Financial Plan and Market Trends

HTZ Director Kristjan Staničić presented plans for a 1.1% increase in total revenue compared to 2024. According to him, Croatia will focus on products that attract guests with high purchasing power, such as cultural heritage, city break offers, and activities in nature.

"Our strategic goal is the repositioning of Croatia as a destination for year-round tourism, more even distribution of tourist traffic, and increased individual consumption. Recorded trends show that travelers from Europe will allocate a larger portion of their budgets for travel in the coming period, which presents an opportunity for additional promotion and investment," said Staničić.

Initiatives and Innovations

HTZ plans to implement 11 priorities from the Strategic Marketing and Operational Plan by 2027. Among them are activities that support the development of premium offers and the promotion of lesser-known destinations. A key focus will be on the pre-season and post-season in order to extend the tourist season.

Additional efforts are also planned to improve air connectivity, which will increase the accessibility of Croatia for key emitting markets. The implementation of new communication tools, based on innovative concepts, will contribute to strengthening Croatia's visibility at the global level.

Strategic Goals for 2025

Reforming the Croatia brand is one of the main goals for the next year. The goal is to create a unique identity that will attract tourists of all profiles. A more even territorial distribution of tourist traffic is also planned, with a special emphasis on the development of smaller regions that have growth potential, as well as increasing tourist spending.

In addition, improving digital tools and presence on global platforms will be a key part of the strategy. HTZ will invest in promotion through digital campaigns targeting specific demographic groups and market niches, which will increase the visibility and attractiveness of Croatian destinations.

The year 2025 brings numerous challenges but also opportunities for Croatian tourism. Through innovative projects, a focus on sustainability and quality, and strategic investments, Croatia has the potential to secure its status as one of the leading tourist destinations in Europe.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 12 Dezember, 2024
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