Zeljarijada 2024 in Vidovac: an international festival celebrating Varaždin cabbage, with a rich program, concerts by Miroslav Škora and Slavonski Lola, and a mega-sarma of 850 kg of meat and 1300 heads of cabbage

This year's Zeljarijada in Vidovac will be held from September 19 to 22, offering visitors a rich cultural and entertainment program, the preparation of a traditional mega-sarm and performances by famous performers such as Miroslav Škoro and Slavonska lole.

Zeljarijada 2024 in Vidovac: an international festival celebrating Varaždin cabbage, with a rich program, concerts by Miroslav Škora and Slavonski Lola, and a mega-sarma of 850 kg of meat and 1300 heads of cabbage
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar - ilustracija/ arhiva (vlastita)

This year's Zeljarijada in Vidovec, which will be held from September 19 to 22, 2024, offers not only a gastronomic spectacle but also a rich cultural and entertainment program for all visitors. The event, which once had a local character, has now evolved into an international event, bringing together participants from Croatia and abroad, with the aim of promoting Varaždin cabbage as an indigenous product and an important element of the cultural heritage of this region. As every year, visitors will enjoy a mega-sarma prepared with 850 kilograms of meat and 1,300 heads of cabbage, continuing the tradition of presenting this unique dish.

In addition to the gastronomic offer, the program will include performances by renowned musical performers. At this year's Zeljarijada, on September 20, Miroslav Škoro will perform, while on September 21, the Slavonske lole are scheduled. Both concerts are free of charge, and a large number of visitors from all over Croatia, as well as beyond, is expected. During the weekend, visitors will be able to participate in various cultural and entertainment activities, from Zeljar games to folklore group performances and presentations of traditional agricultural products, among which the Vidovec gibanik, a well-known peasant cake of this region, stands out.

One of the main goals of the Zeljarijada is to promote Varaždin cabbage, which is considered one of the best and highest quality in the world. At the event, visitors will be shown the process of preparing and fermenting cabbage, where all stages – from planting to fermentation – are carried out manually, following traditional methods passed down through generations. This year, the sarma will be slightly different from previous ones, as it will be prepared with buckwheat instead of rice, further emphasizing the authenticity and originality of this dish.

The event also plays an important role in promoting local tourism. Besides being an opportunity to enjoy food and drinks, Zeljarijada is a meeting place for different cultures. This year, over 500 performers from Croatia, as well as from Macedonia, Italy, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, and Hungary, will participate in the folklore review, further strengthening the international character of the event. The program also includes participation from numerous associations from Vidovec, which actively work on preserving and promoting the traditional customs of this region.

During the event, a trade fair will also be held on Saturday, showcasing agricultural products from the Varaždin County, including protected varieties such as Varaždin cabbage. This fair represents an opportunity for producers to showcase their products to a wider audience and connect with buyers and tourists who appreciate local and quality food. Thanks to the support of the local community and the Vidovec Municipality, the event grows every year, attracting more visitors from different parts of Croatia and Europe.

The Mayor of Vidovec, Bruno Hranić, emphasized that Zeljarijada is not only a gastronomic event but also an important tourist manifestation that promotes the culture and heritage of Vidovec. He is particularly proud that this event has expanded beyond the borders of Croatia, promoting not only Varaždin cabbage but also the region itself as a tourist destination. In addition to all this, visitors will be able to enjoy numerous additional activities such as horseback riding performances, traditional crafts, and workshops that will take place during all three days of the event.

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Erstellungszeitpunkt: 14 September, 2024
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