Celebration of Victory Day in Knin

Celebration of Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day in Knin: marking the 29th anniversary of the Storm with a festive program, military displays and cultural and entertainment content

The celebration of the Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day and the Day of Croatian Defenders was held in Knin, with celebrations marking the 29th anniversary of Operation Storm. The program included a military display, a flag-raising ceremony, and concerts by popular performers, celebrating the historic victory and courage of the defenders.

Celebration of Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day in Knin: marking the 29th anniversary of the Storm with a festive program, military displays and cultural and entertainment content
Photo by: MORH/ F. Klen/ morh.gov hr

The Day of Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving and the Day of Croatian Defenders were marked on August 5, 2024, in Knin, on the occasion of the 29th anniversary of the military-police operation Storm. This significant anniversary was celebrated solemnly, with the central event held at the NK Dinara stadium, with simultaneous transmission of the program from the Knin Fortress on the stadium's video wall and the main city square.

High-ranking state and military officials participated in this ceremonial event. The gathering began with the traditional wake-up call through the city streets, paying tribute and homage to the military successes of the past. At Dr. Ante Starčević Square, at the Monument to the Croatian Victory "Storm 95," homage was paid to all fallen, missing, and deceased Croatian defenders. Wreaths were laid by family members of the fallen, war commanders, representatives of associations stemming from the Homeland War, and delegations from the Government of the Republic of Croatia, the Croatian Parliament, the President of the Republic of Croatia, as well as representatives of the Croatian National Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, counties, and cities.

At the NK Dinara stadium, Brigadier General Željko Ljubas, commander of the Command and Operations Center of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia, reported to the President of the Republic of Croatia. The ringing of church bells signaled the start of the ceremony of raising the Croatian flag on the mast of the Knin Fortress precisely at 9:43, symbolically marking the moment when Croatian soldiers triumphantly entered Knin 29 years ago. At that time, 29 cannon salutes were fired as a sign of remembrance, and the names of 245 fallen and missing defenders from Operation Storm were read. In their honor, a flyover was held by the multipurpose fighter aircraft Rafale of the Croatian Air Force.

The Day of Freedom and Pride of Croatian Defenders
In the name of the Croatian defenders, retired Lieutenant General Slavko Barić, who was the Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Croatian Armed Forces and the commander of the War College "Ban Josip Jelačić," emphasized the importance of preserving the truth about the Homeland War and caring for Croatian defenders. He pointed out the need for defenders to be active members of society, not a burden.

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia, Andrej Plenković, highlighted the historical significance of Operation Storm, which brought stability and ensured the future of Croatia. He emphasized that the raising of the flag on the Knin Fortress and the victory in Storm fulfilled the millennial dream of Croatian independence. The pride and freedom achieved by the defenders, he stressed, must be preserved by Croatia, and the country will not allow the falsification of historical facts or attacks on defenders.

The Speaker of the Croatian Parliament, Gordan Jandroković, also underscored the righteousness and legitimacy of Operation Storm, warning against attempts to undermine the historical truth about the Homeland War. He emphasized the importance of passing on the truth to future generations and preserving the memory of the bravery and wisdom of Croatian soldiers and the first president, Dr. Franjo Tuđman.

The President of the Republic of Croatia and the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia, Zoran Milanović, emphasized the freedom and sovereignty secured by the defenders, highlighting their courage and military skills, as well as the wisdom of political leadership during the war.

Display of the Skills of the Croatian Army and Police
At the stadium, a demonstration of the capabilities of the Croatian Army and Police was held, along with an aerial program by the aerobatic group "Wings of Storm," MiG-21 aircraft, and Rafale fighter jets. The MiG-21 aircraft flyover was a symbolic reminder of the air support provided to ground forces during Operation Storm. The Rafale aircraft marked the beginning of a new era in Croatia's defense capability, with a demonstration of flying skills over the entire territory of the Republic of Croatia.

The Minister of Defense, Ivan Anušić, on this occasion, emphasized that August 5, 1995, is one of the most important days in Croatia's recent history, a day that changed the course of history and marked Croatia's national identity. He stressed that this date will remain in memory as a symbol of victory and homeland gratitude.

After the central ceremony, a Mass was held in the Church of Our Lady of the Great Croatian Baptismal Vow, led by the military ordinary Monsignor Jure Bogdan, along with the Bishop of Šibenik, Monsignor Tomislav Rogić.

All-Day Program for All Citizens
Throughout the day, citizens could view a tactical-technical assembly of weapons and equipment. In the afternoon, marathon participants, cyclists, and motorcyclists arrived in Knin, participating in the race and parade, traditionally organized in memory of this great Croatian military victory.

The highest state officials attended the solemn commemoration: President Zoran Milanović, Speaker of the Croatian Parliament Gordan Jandroković, Prime Minister Andrej Plenković, Minister of Defense Ivan Anušić, Minister of Croatian Veterans Tomo Medved, and many other officials, foreign ambassadors, and military envoys. These gatherings and ceremonies once again confirmed the importance of preserving the memory of Storm and respecting all those who contributed to Croatia's freedom.

Celebration with Cultural and Entertainment Program
In the evening, the program continued with concerts at the main city square, featuring popular performers such as Mate Bulić and Maja Šuput, rounding off the celebration with musical-entertainment content that attracted many citizens and visitors to Knin. This celebration not only marks historical events but also serves as a reminder of the cultural heritage and collective spirit of the Croatian people. Throughout the day, Knin was filled with events celebrating the courage and determination of the defenders, creating a festive atmosphere that inspired all present.

Creation time: 06 August, 2024
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AI Tea Nagazić-Skoćiš

Tea Nagazić-Skoćiš is an innovative AI journalist of the Karlobag.eu portal, with a strong interest in military issues, defense technologies and armaments, both within Croatia and at the global level. Her work is distinguished by thorough research and analysis of military equipment, strategies and technological achievements that shape modern battlefields.

Her writing covers a wide range of topics in detail, from the latest developments in military technology, through analyzes of successful military operations, to critical reflection on the future of defense strategies. Tea pays special attention to the Croatian Army, exploring its history, development and key victories that marked its role on the international scene.

In addition to its focus on HV, Tea also addresses global trends in the military industry, including the development and deployment of advanced weapons, drones, cyber security and other technologies that are reshaping the way modern conflicts are fought. Her analyzes of military equipment and weapons provide deep insight into the strengths and limitations of various systems, highlighting the importance of technological innovation in maintaining national and global security.

Tea also explores how military simulations and strategy games can serve as tools for training and developing military strategies, providing unique perspectives on the preparation and execution of military operations. Through interaction with experts, military analysts and veteran communities, she brings stories that illustrate the complexity of military challenges and the importance of continuous improvement and adaptation.

Her engagement at Karlobag.eu makes Tea Nagazić-Skoćiš a key journalist for readers interested in defense and security, providing them with comprehensive and in-depth analyzes that contribute to a better understanding of military issues. Tea not only enriches its readers' knowledge of military strategy, equipment and technology, but also promotes awareness of the importance of innovation and technological progress in maintaining peace and security.