The anniversaries of the deaths of Sergeant First Class Vladimir Vincelj and Staff Sergeant Marko Odžak, members of the Supply Battalion of the Support Command, who died while on duty, were commemorated.
At the places of their deaths, Oštarijski Dolovi and Pađene, as well as at the local cemeteries in Krapina and Pribudi, flowers were laid and candles were lit along with appropriate prayers. Holy masses were also held at the "Eugen Kvaternik" military base in Slunj and the parish of Zlopolje.
Sergeant First Class Vladimir Vincelj was killed on June 29, 2010, during the destruction of written-off explosives at the permanent destruction site "Oštarijski Dolovi" at the "Eugen Kvaternik" military range near Slunj. He was an explosives technician in the technical service of the Croatian Army and the commander of the Maintenance Section of class V. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Petar Zrinski and Fran Krsto Frankopan on July 21, 2011.
Commemoration of the Tragedy of Marko Odžak
Staff Sergeant Marko Odžak died on July 10, 2013, during the cleaning and remediation of the terrain after a technical accident in the military warehouse complex "Pađene" near Knin. He was an explosives technician in the technical service of the Croatian Army. The President of the Republic of Croatia posthumously awarded him the Order of Petar Zrinski and Fran Krsto Frankopan on July 26, 2013.
In addition to laying flowers and lighting candles, prayers were held in honor of the fallen. Holy masses were also held, gathering the families, friends, and comrades of the fallen explosives technicians. This act shows how much their lives and deeds left a mark among colleagues and the community.
This event is a reminder of the dangers faced by explosives technicians in performing their duties. Sergeant First Class Vincelj and Staff Sergeant Odžak left an indelible mark with their selfless actions, and their sacrifice will forever remain inscribed in the history of the Croatian Army. By holding these ceremonies, permanent respect and gratitude are expressed for their service and sacrifice.
Members of the Supply Battalion continue their mission in the spirit of remembrance of their colleagues, aware of the risks that their calling entails. Their dedication and courage serve as an example to all members of the armed forces. Through remembering these tragic events, awareness of the importance of safety and prevention in everyday tasks involving explosives is strengthened.
Appropriate prayers, laying flowers, and lighting candles at the places of their deaths, as well as memorial masses, symbolize unity and solidarity with the families of the fallen explosives technicians. This is also an opportunity to remember all those who laid down their lives for the safety and well-being of others.
Finally, it is important to note that safety comes first. The role of explosives technicians is irreplaceable but extremely dangerous. Therefore, continuous training and the application of the highest safety standards are crucial to prevent similar tragedies in the future. The memory of Sergeant First Class Vincelj and Staff Sergeant Odžak reminds us of the courage and self-sacrifice of all explosives technicians and the importance of their role in protecting and securing society.
Creation time: 24 July, 2024