Forum of Zagreb Caterers on Workforce and Digital Promotion

The Forum of Zagreb Caterers 2024 will take place on October 23 at the Esplanade Zagreb Hotel. The event will bring together leading experts to discuss workforce shortages, modernization of hospitality services, and the importance of digital promotion

Forum of Zagreb Caterers on Workforce and Digital Promotion
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

One of the key gatherings for the Croatian hospitality industry is soon to take place in Zagreb – the Zagreb Hospitality Forum. The Forum, which will be held on October 23, 2024, at the Esplanade Zagreb Hotel, will provide a platform to discuss the most important challenges facing the sector. Participants will discuss, among other things, the labor shortage, modernization of hospitality services, and increasing competitiveness in an increasingly demanding market. The Forum will gather more than 200 stakeholders, including representatives of hospitality, tourist boards, the government, and the academic community.

The burning issue of labor shortage in hospitality

One of the most important topics that will be discussed at the Forum will be the chronic labor shortage in the hospitality sector. According to recent estimates, the hospitality industry in Croatia is currently short of between 35,000 and 40,000 workers. This situation, caused by a combination of emigration, demographic changes, and inadequate education, has become a major obstacle to the further growth of the industry. The panel "Workforce and education in hospitality" will bring together experts from the sector, including Ante Lončar from the Croatian Employment Service and Ivan Vidiša, State Secretary of the Ministry of Labor. Participants will consider possible solutions, such as importing labor and reforming the education system to attract more young people to hospitality.

Tax burdens and digital transformation

In addition to the issue of labor, the Forum will also address the high tax burden that threatens the operations of many small hospitality establishments. Currently, the tax burden on hospitality services in Croatia is as high as 28%, which includes VAT and consumption tax, and this represents an insurmountable obstacle for many entrepreneurs. Participants will consider proposals to reduce these taxes, which would allow for the employment of qualified staff and reduce pressure on small businesses. Also, the digital transformation of the hospitality sector will be an important topic, given the increasing influence of new technologies on the way business is conducted, especially in the context of online promotion and card payments.

The impact of gastronomy on Zagreb tourism

The gastronomic offer is becoming an increasingly important element of Zagreb's tourist attractiveness. The second panel, titled "How can we spice up the gastro scene in Zagreb?", will focus on how local restaurateurs can improve their offer and present it not only to domestic but also to foreign guests. The emphasis will be on balancing authentic local cuisine with following global culinary trends. Petra Maršić Buljan from the Zagreb Tourist Board and food blogger Janja Benić will be among those discussing how to use social networks and other digital platforms to promote Zagreb's gastro scene, which is increasingly recognized internationally.

Awards ceremony and gastro exhibition

This year's Zagreb Hospitality Forum will also be special for highlighting the role of women in hospitality. For the first time, awards will be given exclusively to women who have achieved outstanding success in the industry, drawing attention to their contribution and leadership. In addition, visitors will be able to enjoy a gastro exhibition showcasing products and services from local suppliers, further enriching the experience of attending this important event.

Conclusions and next steps

As every year, the Zagreb Hospitality Forum will serve as a platform for dialogue between hoteliers and government bodies to encourage changes that will help address key challenges. The president of the Zagreb Hospitality Association, Franz Letica, emphasizes the importance of the Forum as a place where concrete initiatives for improving working conditions in the sector are born, and this year special attention will be focused on improving employment conditions and education for future generations of hospitality workers.

The Zagreb Hospitality Forum is an opportunity for all participants to gain new knowledge, connect with colleagues, and find inspiration to improve their business. This year's edition of the Forum is expected to provide important guidelines for the future development of the industry and help Zagreb position itself as a leader in the regional hospitality market.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 16 Oktober, 2024
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